A migration of Chinese Goshhawk in autumn 2016  Japanese edition 
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Uchiyama Pass and observatory
(From Izuhara side)
Uchiyama Pass and observatory
(From Uchiyama village side)

Look at the southwestern direction from UchiyamaPass

Total as of September 44,533

Date Weather The direction of the wind The observation number of CG Today's comment Other hawks
*A cable address
1(Thu) fine SW 1 Information: Only one bird seemed to appear KS1
2(Fri) rain;:fog SE - Information: For a rainy day, the observation was canceled. -
3(Sat) cloudy
SE - Information: Because of fog, the observation was canceled.
4(Sun) fine:fog N - Information: Because of fog, the observation was canceled.
5(Mon) cloudy after fine:fog N - Information: Because of fog, the observation was canceled.
6(Tue) cloudy NE 221 The greatest group of today's hawk was 100 groups which appeared at 10:55.The ferry of the hawk seems to have already begun. PG1,EH2,KS1
7(Wed) cloudy E:strong 33 It was the pressure pattern that was unsuitable so that a hawk passed. PG1,EH1
8(Thu) fine NW 1,368 Today's 1,233 of 1,366 counts are ferry of past 12:00. They seem to be crowd who jumped out in the morning that the weather of the peninsula was restored. PG1,EH2,HB1
9(Fri) fine→cloudy SE→N 2,002 The number of hawks which passed had most 11:00 level.It was difficult to count it because a hawk flew in the at a high altitude. PG2,EH1,HB1、ES1OS1
10(Sat) cloudy E:strong 31 By 7th and similar weather, there was little ferry of the hawk. PG2,EH1,HB2
11(Sun) cloudy E:strong 253 The weather became slightly good, but the ferry of the hawk was disappointing. PG2,EH1,HB1、OS1
12(Mon) rain NE - For bad weather, the observation was canceled. -
13(Tue) fine NE 3,504 We counted the maximum number hawk in this season, but there is fewer it.We want to hope that numbers increase from now on. But the stagnation of the southern autumnal rain front worries about us. PG2,EH2,HB2、OS1
14(Wed) cloudy NE 6,846 Most of flocks of hawks which appeared from the afternoon traveled the wrong way. Therefore we do not count the number of hawks.
15(Thu) cloudy NE:strong 11,489 It was a bad condition to be called strong northeast wind, but the big group of the hawk more than 1000 appeared many times. PG2,EH2,HB1
16(Fri) cloudy
NE 10,125 Most wanderers ended the coming from abroad of today's hawk by 10:00 a.m. Most of flocks of hawks seemed to be the groups which came to Tsushima the day before.. PG2,EH2,HB1,KS1
17(Sat) cloudy
NE - Information: Because of fog, the observation was canceled. -
18(Sun) rain
NE - Information: For a rainy day, the observation was canceled. -
19(Mon) rain
NE - Information: For a rainy day, the observation was canceled. -
20(Tue) cloudy
NE:very strong 0 Information: Approximately 20 hawks appeared, but they did not seem to pass. EH4
21(Wed) cloudy
NE: strong 2,538 The weather was restored, but northeast wind was strong, and the hawk of the expected number was not seen. PG2,EH3,HB9、OS1
22(Thu) cloudy
NE: strong 153 Information:.Because it had begun to rain at past 8:00, we canceled observation. EH4
23(Fri) cloudy
NE 4,001 A big flock of 1,000 hawks appeared at 11:42. The ferry of the hawk is the end game seasonally, but seems to still follow. PG2,EH3,ES1
24(Sat) cloudy
NE: strong 1,760 After 10:00 a.m., most of the hawks did not appear. The season of the ferry of the hawk might be over. PG1,EH3,ES1
25(Sun) cloudy
NE 12 Based on today's result, observation of the hawks of our this year is the end for the time being. PG1,EH2
26(Mon) cloudy
27(Tue) fine NE→W 198 Information:.The hawk which a wanderer was late for seems to pass now. PG1,EH3,ES2
Explanatory notes(A cable address)
Peregrine Falcon(ハヤブサ)PG
Eurasian Hobby(チゴハヤブサ)EH
Common Kestrel
Northern Goshawk(オオタカ)NG
Eurasian Sparrowhawk(ハイタカ)ES
Common Buzzard(ノスリ)CB
Grey-faced Buzzard(サシバ)GB
Japanese Sparrowhawk(ツミ)JS
Black Kite(トビ)BK
Chinese Goshawk(アカハラダカ)CG
Northern Harrier(ハイイロチュウヒ):NH