
最近5件 2009年 2008年 2007年 2006年 2005年 2004年 2003年以前


Version 3.11.51 2007-1/4



  • Super Medkit :ヘルスを100回復
  • Super Stimpack :スタミナを100回復
  • Super Repair Kit :アーマーを200回復



Version 3.11.52 2007-1/17

  • Xmas hats, presents, lights in trees, etc. have been turned OFF
  • /appeal should no longer crash the game when logged in with Quick Launch.

Version 3.12.4 2007-3/21




Fortification Engineer

  • Fortification Engineering requires Engineering and Combat Engineering as a pre-requisite. Fortification Engineering costs 3 Certification points.
  • In addition to the Engineering and Combat Engineering abilities a Fortification Engineers can deploy Shadow and Cerberus turrets, TRAPS, Uugrade Wall Turrets using the Upgrade Canister, and upgrade the Aegis Shield Generator.
  • Fortification Engineers can now use up to 15 Spitfire Turrets!
  • Shadow and Cerberus Turrets count towards the 15 Spitfire Turret cap and are limited to a maximum of 5 total (not each).
  • Fortification Engineers can deploy use up to 25 Mines!
  • A certified Fortification Engineer can now deploy 25 Motion Sensors!

Assault Engineer

  • Assault Engineering requires Engineering and Combat Engineering as a pre-requisite. Assault Engineering costs 3 Certification points.
  • In addition to the Engineering and Combat Engineering abilities an Assault Engineer can deploy an Aegis shield, One Manned Field Turrets, Disrupter Mines, and upgrade the Aegis Shield Generator!
  • Assault Engineers can now deploy standard Spitfire Turrets within an Enemy SOI!

Advanced Engineer

  • Advanced Engineering requires Engineering and Combat Engineering as a pre-requisite. Advanced Engineering costs 5 Certification points.
  • In addition to the Engineering and Combat Engineering abilities an Advanced Engineer gains the abilities of an Assault and Fortification Engineer. This would be your all in one cert!


  • In order to deploy the new Spitfire deployables, Fortification Engineers can now switch ammo type using the "X" button.
  • In order to deploy the new Mine deployables, Assault Engineers can now switch ammo type using the "X" button.

Aegis Shield Generator

  • Aegis Shield generators can be upgraded using the Nano-Dispenser only if the Aegis Shield Generator is at full health.

One Manned Field Turrets

  • Terran Repulic soldiers can now deploy the Avenger Field Turret to unleash a brutal stream of chaingun fire!
  • New Conglomerate soldiers can now deploy the Osprey Field Turret to obliterate any enemies in it's sights!
  • Vanu Sovereignty soldiers can now deploy the Orion Field Turret which fires deadly energy particles at it's enemies!

Upgrade Canisters

  • Using a Nano Dispenser, Fortification Engineers can use the "X" button to switch to the Upgrade Canister cartridge. Turrets need to be fairly healthy in order to upgrade them so be sure to fix them up before attempting an upgrade!


  • Field turret kills should count towards the phalanx turret merit. These are Empire specific merits!
    OMFTを使用してのキルを「Turret Gunner」のメリットコメンデーションのカウントに入るようにした
  • All 3 spitfire variants count towards Tiny Robotics merit.
  • Cerberus turrets and AA Wall Turret upgrade kills count towards your Air Defender merits!
    自分の設置したCerberus turret, Wall TurretのAA武器で飛行機を破壊した場合は「Air Defender」のメリットのカウントに入るようにした。
  • New deployables count towards Engineering and Equipment support merits!
    その他今回加わった設置物についても「Engineering」 「Equipment Support」にカウントされるようにした。

Spawn Tubes

  • An issue that allowed Spawn Tubes to be taken down with a single boomer has been resolved.
    Spawn tubeがBoomerひとつで破壊できてしまっていた不具合を修正。


  • The CE HUD has changed to accommodate the new deployables. There are now 3 states which can be toggled with Alt + E.
    CE HUDの仕様を少し変更(リンク先参照)
    • Hidden
    • Combat Engineering
    • Advanced Engineering

Version 3.12.6 2007-3/22


  • 前回のパッチでReserve Trial アカウントのキャラクターがBR6以降も経験値が稼げるようになっていた不具合の修正


Version 3.12.12 2007-4/20

Make way for the new and improved Sunderer!

Introducing the Juggernaut, Leviathan and Vindicator!

The Sunderer was examined very closely and it became immediately clear that it didn't have enough fire power. Two guns to protect eleven soldiers through battle lines??? That's just not going to get the job done. So we've added four more guns! Two of the four new guns will be mounted on the top of our newly created Base Crasher and were designed to be empire-specific. This will now provide adequate support incase anyone gets any funny ideas of following too close behind. To solve the issue of grunts running along side, escaping the fire arc of the top guns, we've added small caliber machine guns on the sides. Anyone manning these guns will be given an increased range to their Darklight Implant (if owned). To round out this new party bus, the driver will now be allowed to hop behind the wheel wearing reinforced armor, jam mines and jump on the horn if someone gets in the way. This is one heck of an overhaul!

Here is an abbreviated list of features, but don't take our word for it - Take one for a spin!



  • Empire Specific Vehicles Juggernaut (TR), Leviathan (VS), Vindicator (NC)
    Sundererをなくして、代わりに各勢力固有の新しい乗物Juggernaut, Leviathan, Vindicatorを追加
  • Increased Damaged to Existing Top Gun Mounts
    Sundererと同様に75mm Cannonを2門搭載しているが威力は上がっている
  • Two New Top Mount Empire-Specific Guns
  • Two New Side Mount Guns
  • Side Mount Guns With Magnified Darklight Ability
    その両脇の機銃を担当するプレーヤーはDarklight Visionの能力を拡張(DV使用時の可視範囲が広がる)
  • Physical Armor Increase At Front of Vehicle
  • Overall Armor Increase To Vehicle
  • Ability To Penetrate Defender Module Base Shields
    Shield Moduleによって作られる基地入口のシールドを突き抜けることが可能
  • Increased Acceleration Overall (Forward, Reverse, Initial, After In Motion & Turning)
  • Driver Can Now Be In Reinforced Armor Suit
  • Driver Given EMP Ability 360 Degrees Around Vehicle
    (運転席からデフォルトBキーで使用、BFRのEMP Blastみたいなもん。使用は30秒に1回)
  • Increased Trunk Ammunition Size
  • New Horn!

Version 3.12.13 2007-5/3


Version 3.12.17 2007-5/18

Happy Four Year Anniversary, Planetside!

For Planetside's Four Year Anniversary, we designed three New Pistols (one for each empire), a Missile Launcher with Propelled Explosives, and an experimental Flamethrower weapon. Each weapon can be obtained by every player with the exception of the Flamethrower.

As you read the details below, you'll notice that there are a few limiting factors on the Missile Launcher and the Flamethrower. However, take note that we have enabled all weapons to be available to all players from 5/18/07 to 5/25/07 regardless of the limitations. We wanted everyone to have the chance to try out the new weapons and participate in the mayhem of the Four Year Anniversary! Enjoy!

PISTOLS - The Spear (NC) / The Stinger (TR) / The Eraser (VS)

These Empire specific pistols are designed to be very lethal towards Infantry units but lack a punch in the armor piercing department

  • 10mm Pistols
  • Very powerful versus infantry units
  • Primary firing mode is an automatic single shot, capable of firing long distances with better than average accuracy
  • Primary firing mode has a slower rate of fire
  • Secondary firing mode will unload all remaining rounds in the clip to produce a high amount of damage
  • Secondary firing mode has a side effect = your stamina will be completely drained, so use it with caution
  • Secondary firing also has a large cone of fire so be close to your enemy units if you want to do massive damage
  • Pistols deliver very low damage towards vehicles and equipment


The Scorpion uses a range-finder technology to fire 'smart' missiles from long distances

  • Built in Range Finder to lock in distances where your enemies are "dug-in"
  • Launches 'smart' missiles to the locked in distance while carrying grenade type bombs, unleashing several smaller explosives in every direction
  • Ability to zoom long distances to establish locked in range (unable to shoot at close targets)
  • Hitting objects before the missile reaches the locked in range will disable the missile's arming ability
  • Available without any certification cost to 2 year veterans (based on your character's creation date)
  • If not a 2 year veteran, it may be purchased for 1 certification point if Special Assault has already been learned


The Dragon is a powerful flamethrower that works best at close ranges. The Dragon is an experimental weapon and may not be accessible at all times in Planetside. Due to the special effects of the flames, the Dragon may be removed from many playing conditions that cause adverse performance issues. Although many limitations have been put in place to limit performance issues, the Dragon will be classified experimental until such performance issues are deemed non-existent or believed to be minor.

  • The Primary fire mode unleashes a stream of fire for short range tactics. The fire is slow moving that is very devastating to anyone caught in the way
  • This stream can be released in short bursts or until your fuel is gone
  • Secondary fire mode launches a concentrated ball of fire called a Sunburst that will explode after a short time or when it hits the ground.
  • The Sunburst's explosion deals massive damage to anyone in range.
  • If Sunburst is close enough to the ground, it will also scatter small fires around that burn anyone who tries to walk through it.
  • Secondary fire mode requires fuel capacity to be at its maximum
  • Fire from Primary and Secondary fire modes will not only directly hurt soldiers passing through armor, but it will ignites them as well
  • The Dragon is only useable by 3 year veterans (based on your character's creation date) and includes a three minute purchase timer


  • Eraser, Stinger, Spear
    それぞれ各勢力固有のピストルで、CertはMedium Assault。遅めの連射速度と極めて高い威力を持ち、セカンダリモードではそれだけでReinforcedを倒せるほどの威力がある。
  • Dragon
    新しくSpecial Assaultの上位に用意されたElite Assaultに属する火炎放射器で威力はすさまじい。ただし射程距離はかなり短く、弾の消費も激しい。作成から3年が経過したプレーヤーのみ使用可。
  • Scorpion
    Elite Assaultに属するミサイルランチャーで、使用方法、攻撃方法がかなり特殊。作成から2年以上が経過したプレーヤーはCertなしで使用可能。

新Cert 「Elite Assault」の新設に合わせて、いつものように全員のCertが一度だけ全部まとめて返却できるようにしてあります。


  • Thumper/PunisherのPlasma弾, Plasma Granadeの威力をダウン
  • Strikerのピッピ音のボリュームを小さく


Version 3.12.20 2007-5/31

Combat Engineering has undergone a few more changes since Advanced Engineering was introduced. This update should make deployables easier to manage and speed up gameplay. Check out what's new:

  • Equipment that you deploy yourself will be a different color from other friendly deployables on both the field and overhead map. This color can be changed in your options menu and should make identifying your deployables quite a bit easier!
  • Double-clicking on any deployable you own on the overhead map will open a prompt asking if you want to deconstruct that deployable. No more misplacing a TRAP and sitting there shooting it until it's destroyed! Now you can choose which deployable will deconstruct and when!
  • If you leave a planet and don't come back within 60 minutes, all your deployables on that zone will deconstruct (This includes staying offline for over 60 minutes). This will hopefully keep deployables near the fighting and keep other areas relatively clean.
  • If you deploy some equipment with one character and then switch to a different character, your old deployables will instantly deconstruct. This should eliminate an exploit where a player could lay down CE then switch characters, benefitting from the CE without having to acquire any engineering certifications.
  • We've also made one slight change to the Sunderer variants: they can now be transported in Lodestars. Watch for falling base crashers!
    先日実装された3種のSunderer MkIIをLodestarに搭載できるようにした。

Version 3.12.23 2007-6/14

  • One Manned Field Turrets have been re-enabled.
  • Deconstructing a manned Field Turret will now eject the gunner and deconstruct the turret correctly. This should prevent an adverse side effect that could crash a zone.
  • Some HUD elements that had problems when being resized have been fixed.
  • Kills with the Wasp should now count towards the Cavalry Pilot merit awards.
    Waspを使ってとったキルがCavalry Pilotのコメンデーションにカウントされるようにした

Version 3.12.26 2007-7/18

Anniversary Pistols

  • Minimum stamina required to fire the secondary fire mode is now 75.
    Eraser, Stinger, Spearのセカンダリモードは自身のスタミナが75以上ある時しか使用できないようにした。連続使用不可。
  • There is now a status message that will inform you when you don’t have enough stamina to fire the secondary fire mode.


  • Bomblet damage has been reduced.


  • Primary fire stream uses a minimum of 5 ammo instead of 25.
  • Sunburst damage has been decreased towards infantry.
  • Long-lasting fire effects have been removed from Sunburst.
  • Sunburst ammo requirements reduced from 100 to 50.
  • Sunburst refire time is now 3 seconds.

Pistols should now count towards the Scavenger merit


Version 3.12.28 2007-7/31

An excerpt from a New Conglomerate intelligence report:

"...our infiltrators have returned from Forseral. They managed to steal blueprints from the Terran Republic. We don't know how the TR were able to design it, but it looks as if they are developing a method to cloak a flying transport vehicle. With the amount of energy required to keep a craft airborne, we thought it physically impossible to bend light enough to cloak it as well, but with these designs...it might work. The TR are calling it the "Phantasm".

Also among these blueprints is another design...it looks similar to the Galaxy, and yet somehow different. It's more like a giant battleship than a transport craft. In the hands of the TR, this kind of firepower could be devastating. I do not doubt that the VS spies have also taken advantage of the recent leak in TR security; they probably have the designs as well. We must begin training our soldiers to use this equipment as soon as possible. Our engineers have already started production...we must finish before the opposing factions are able to use them against us.

The strangest thing about all of this is the fact that these blueprints were in TR possession. I would expect something like this from the Vanu Sovereignty, but the Terran Republic are narrow-minded fools that only think of suppression using our current technology. Also strange are these symbols found all over the blueprints; they are like nothing I've ever seen before. Shaped like 3 curved blades around a central hub with cyan coloring...what could it mean..."

Taken from a Vanu Sovereignty science report, only one day later:

"...don't understand. The entire lattice has shifted. Our home worlds, Esamir and Amerish, are gone, lost to the heathens that call themselves the New Conglomerate. And we find our own sanctuary linked to the homelands of our Terran repressors, Forseral and Ceryshen. We can only logically assume they have taken control of the former NC territories Solsar and Hossin.

This change in the lattice can sometimes be observed as a natural phenomenon of Auraxis. The Auraxian system clearly has a mind of its own and has been known to shift before, but somehow...it is different this time. The readings are not the same. Information from our stellar cartography department shows that this time there has been some form of external tampering with the lattice!

We believed ourselves to be the most technologically advanced of the three factions, but after we were given the documents for these new flying aircraft...we must concede that there may be a faction with an even greater understanding than ours...but the Terran Republic? It is hard to believe. We have ruled out that they are capable of such a change, so it must be something else. Could this be related to the symbols on the blueprints? More research needs to be done.

Regardless, the fact remains that we now stand on unfamiliar ground. We can be reasonably sure that this is not the end of these strange occurrences. Something is coming. I can feel it..."

The Terran Republic technical reports are stating that the Phantasm and Gunship certifications can be purchased at local certification terminals however both vehicles are currently being manufactured and there it’s been found that some of the supply has gone unaccounted for. As of this report the supply will not meet demands but we have word that the vehicles will available for acquisition within the next week.

長々と書かれていますが、必要な情報は以下。各勢力のHome Continentを入れ替え。

  • VSのHomeがForseralとCeryshen
  • TRのHomeがHossinとSolsar
  • NCのHomeがAmerishとEsamir

また、近日中に小型のステルス機能付輸送機「Phantasm」と、大型の攻撃機「Galaxy Gunship」が導入されるような事が書かれています。Galaxy GunshipはAir Supportの上位Cert, PhantasmはInfiltration Suitの上位Certになるようです。

また、バグなのか正式な物なのかはわかりませんが、Dragonの使用条件から3年経過がなくなってElite Assaultを持っていれば誰でも使えるという状態になっています。

Version 3.12.29 2007-8/10

All empires have finished production of the Phantasm and Galaxy Gunship, and are now available to anyone with the corresponding certifications. Here's a few details about each.

全勢力で新しい飛行機、PhantasmとGalaxy Gunshipの正式導入。


  • The Phantasm is a flying transport vehicle that can carry a pilot and up to four passengers.
  • The pilot controls a small 12mm chaingun.
    パイロット用に12mm Chaingunを装備
  • The pilot has access to a cloaking mechanism that will make the Phantasm virtually invisible.
  • While cloaked, the Phantasm will be undetectable by all radar systems. However, firing its weapon or moving at high speeds may compromise its stealth.
  • The Phantasm is only available at bases with a link to a Tech Plant (or at your sanctuary).
    Tech PlantとTech Plantとリンクで繋がった基地、もしくはSanctuaryからしか出すことができない

Galaxy Gunship

  • The Galaxy Gunship is a large craft similar to the Galaxy.
    Galaxy Gunshipはその名の通りGalaxyに酷似した巨大な飛行機である
  • It carries a pilot and 5 gunners.
  • The wing guns and tail gun are rotary 35mm chainguns, and the two front GroundPounders fire explosive mortar cartridges (similar to the Marauder).
    両翼と機体後方に35mm Rotary cahingunを装備し、前方にGround Pounders fire explosive mortar cartridge(Marauderの荷台にある武器に似たもの)を装備する
  • The gunship is only available at Dropship Centers (or at your sanctuary).
    Galaxyと同様にDropship centerかSanctuaryでしか出せない

There have also been some sightings of soldiers clad in green armor, but they seem to be in hiding as there have been no recent reports of any activity. The objectives of these men are unclear, but they appear to be hostile towards all empires and should be considered extremely dangerous. If you see one, shoot to kill.


Bug Fixes

  • Blackouts and flickering lights in the bases should no longer occur.
  • An exploit/bug has been fixed where a door would stay open if a player stood directly above or beneath it, even if they were several floors down.
  • A bug that would occur in laggy situations where the first person arms would detach from the camera has been fixed (this was especially true with the Spiker and grenades).
  • A bug that would occur while hotswapping and equipping weapons quickly in third person where the first person arms would not show and the first bullet fired would miss has been fixed.
  • Spawn tube doors, AMP Station CC doors, and big Dropship Center door at the ramp that leads to the Dropship terminal should all open and close more reliably.
    スポーンチューブのドア、AMP StationのCCのところのドアとかが、正しく開閉するようにした
  • The bug with the equipment terminal not allowing users to acquire weapons, etc. should occur much less often, if at all.
  • The first time event text for the CUD has been updated to reflect when you actually receive the “Reveal Enemies” ability.
    CUD(CommandUpdateDevice)を初めて手にしたときのヘルプに表示されるReveal Enemiesの内容が古い仕様についての内容だったので最新仕様に基づいたものに更新。
  • Now when a TR MAX locks down in front of a friendly spawn tube, its physics are disabled for friendly players. If the avatar or spawn tube is an enemy, the MAX will still block them. (prevents TR Max from griefing near tubes).
    TR MAXが自軍のスポーンチューブの前でアンカーを使った場合は、味方のプレーヤーだけは素通りできるようにした。
  • First time event notifications can now be closed while viewing the overhead map.
  • A bug with the ACE that would allow normal Combet Engineers to deploy Advanced CE if they got the ACE from an Advanced Engineer has been fixed (this also occasionally caused server crashes).
    Advanced EngineerからACEをもらった普通のCombat EngineerがそのACEで本来自分が設置できないはずの物を設置できてしまったバグを修正。

Version 3.12.31 2007-8/23


  • Removed the gun so the Phantasm will be used less for farming infantry and more for transport.
  • Reduced explosion damage on destruction.

Galaxy Gunship

  • Greatly increased armor while only slightly increasing repair time.
  • 35mm bullet speed and damage have been increased.
  • Ground Pounder damage has been increased.
    Ground Pounderの威力も向上。(対歩兵ダメージは変化なし)
  • Angle of fire has been increased for front and wing guns.
  • Increased trunk size.
  • Purchase timer has been increased to 10 minutes.

Combat Engineers

  • There has been a recent breakthrough in engineering technology for players who are trained in advanced engineering concepts! Combat Engineers now use Armor Canisters more efficiently and will be able to repair MAX units, equipment, and vehicles faster than players with the standard Engineering certification. Repair speed is further increased for players with Fortification, Assault, or Advanced Engineering. Infantry armor other than MAX armor will not be affected by this change.
    エンジニアがBANK, Nano Dispenserを使用して修理や回復作業を行う場合に、Combat EngineeringのCertを持っていると燃料1あたりの回復量が1.5倍に、Advanced / Fortification / Assault Engineeringのいずれかを持っていると2倍になるようにした。(燃料消費量の節約と回復速度の向上という意味。)

Version 3.12.34 2007-10/18


Version 3.13.5 2007-10/30


Happy Halloween Everyone! Game Update 3.13.5 is a compilation of some of the past Halloween tricks and treats as well as a few new goodies. Enjoy!


  • Smashing pumpkins! Well, not really but if you happen to squeeze a few rounds off into your opponent and bring him down, you will be treated with Jack-O-Lantern corpses instead of the same old backpacks. Jack-O-Lantern corpses are empire specific, they have distinguishable glowing eyes, smoke exudes from their rotten core and the smell reminds us of last year’s left over candy in the back of the cupboard that you intend to pass off as this years candy treat. Or should we call that a trick?
    • Did you know that Jack-O-Lanterns originated in Ireland? People used to hallow out turnips and place candles inside to keep spirits and ghosts away. Because of the great potato famine in the mid 1800s, turnips weren’t as readily available so they used pumpkins as a replacement.
  • Have you ever been hit by a flying pumpkin? Have you been the target of childish Halloween pranks? Has your home been hit with flying candy or flaming skulls? Have you danced with the devil in the pale moon light? Woops, wrong direction…. Well, now is your chance! Many projectiles have been replaced with Pumpkins, Candy Corn and Skulls!
    • Did you know that the signs of a werewolf are having a uni-brow, hairy palms, tattoos and a long middle finger? Reminds you of good ole uncle Chester, doesn’t it?
  • Like every eerie Halloween, the weather is taking a turn for the worse. In many of the continents and sanctuaries, the skies have become cloudy and discolored. Be aware, visibility may be a factor.
    • Speaking of color, did you know that orange and black are Halloween colors because orange is associated with the Fall harvest and black is associated with darkness and death. ….and Green resembles the color of your face after eating candy all night!
  • Darklight Vision has a whole new look this festive season. Instead of green with purple fog, you’ll now see ghosts through red on top of red fog.
    Darklight Visionインプラント使用時の視界が通常の緑ではなく紫(赤)がかった視界に変更。
    • Did you know that the checking account number at the bank for Rita Miller in the movie, Ghost is 92631043?
  • Someone replaced the curtains in spawn tubes! So we’ve replaced them with something more befitting this time of year: Coffin doors with a picture of someone that must have led a bad life while on Auraxis.
    • Apparently Janet Leigh from the shower scene in Psycho has not taken a shower since first watching the movie… She feels a bit safer taking a bath.
  • Chainblade Massacre is back! All players will be able to use Cloaking infiltration suits without need of the certification on Desolation (this is our version of ghosts).
    以前実装されていたDesolationの西部劇仕様みたいな物を実装。下記に加えてゴーストバージョンということで、全プレーヤーがCertなしでInfiltration Suitを使用できるようになっています(リスポーン時に勝手に着ている)。
    • In a true manner of Halloween, players will only be allowed to use a Knife to kill other players.
    • Players are urged to get proper Implants before entering the zone such as Darklight in order to see all apparitions.
      ゴーストとの出会いを可能にするため、インプラントにはDarklight Visionを選択するよう迫られます
    • The zone has limited vehicles.
    • New change is that Knives’ secondary mode will now damage vehicles and equipment. This damage should slightly increase with Melee Booster implants.
      ナイフのセカンダリモードによる攻撃が対装甲用ダメージ特性になります。乗物や設備を破壊するのに実用的な威力を持ち、Melee Boosterインプラントによって更に強化することも可能。
    • Oh, and don’t worry about damage from vehicles trying to mow you over. That has been changed. Nor should you worry about damage from an exploding vehicle. Consider yourself in a zombie state under these circumstances.
    • If a base is drained of its resources, hang tight as they will be replenished almost immediately.
    • The Oshur lock benefit has been removed for the duration of this event. In addition, all base linked benefits have been removed for fairness (before, it was just interlinked)
      このイベント期間中はOshurのLock Benefitは無効に。またすべての基地は自国基地間でのFLBシステムが機能しない。
    • Over 10% of pet owners dress their pets in Halloween costumes.

Happy Halloween!

Version 3.13.6 2007-11/5


Version 3.13.7 2007-11/14

Bug Fixes

  • Exclamation Points should now render correctly on all video cards.
    Exclamation Points(ファーストタッチの!マーク?)がビデオカードによっては正確に表示されないバグを修正
  • Players should now be able to deconstruct Deployables that overlap the Warpgate image.
  • Fixed LLU bases to behave correctly (stealing a hack resets the base timer).
  • Avatars riding in vehicles will no longer uncloak when they attempt to recall.
    乗物に乗った状態でRecallを使うとクローク状態が解除される不具合を修正(Wraith, Phantasmの話?)
  • Wall Turrets should no longer have a problem hitting a deployed flail.
    Wall Turretと展開されたFlailの間の何かバグを修正。意味不明。
  • planetside.exe will no longer hang when it is launched manually (instead of from the launcher).
  • Players with the “bare head” appearance option checked should now remain hat-less until the option is changed.
  • An issue with the double armor bars for vehicles has been corrected.
  • Vehicle weapons can now switch fire modes immediately after firing with no ammo.
  • The weapons module should no longer charge weapons to a quantity above the maximum clip size.
    Weapon Moduleの弾薬自動補給機能で最大装填数以上にチャージできていた不具合を修正
  • Slider bars in the various settings menus should now stay at the maximum position when dragged there.
  • AMP Station pain fields should no longer hurt you when standing next to the downstairs lockers. In addition, AMP station pain fields will no longer deal damage through closed doors.
    AMP Station基地のリスポーンルームの下の階のロッカーのある辺りでもペインフィールドの効果が効いていたのを修正。また、AMP Station基地のペインフィールドの効果が閉まっているドアを通して外のフロアにまで及ばないようにした。
  • The Squad bar should no longer overlap the HUD bar.

Version 3.13.9 2007-12/11

It's the most wonderful time of the year! In the spirit of the season, there will be presents to loot and Santa hats on every player. As always, you can use a quick /humbug to disable these features.

Also back is the holiday scavenger hunt! If you missed out last year, be sure to search every corner of Auraxis for all the holiday items. You will receive a special prize for each holiday award you complete by finding the hidden objects. Each prize can only be used for the duration of the event, so start early!


また、前回用意された探索イベントも行います。おそらくオブジェクトは前回同様snowman, xmas tree, gingerbread man, sledの4種でしょう。発見できれば前回同様の3つのメリットコメンデーションが与えられるようです。場所まで前回と同じかは不明。前回のように年始にこのメリット所有者だけが使えるアイテムが出てくるのかも不明です。

In addition to the seasonal update, we have also made the following changes:

  • Galaxy Gunship armor has been reduced, and the afterburner has been removed entirely.
    Galaxy Gunshipのアーマーを少なくして、アフターバーナーも使えなくした
  • All buggies now have additional resistance against HE Mine damage. This includes the Harasser, Skyguard, Marauder, Enforcer, and Thresher.
    バギーがHE Mine(地雷)から受けるダメージを低減。たぶんBoomer(リモコン爆弾)は変更なし。
    対象はHarasser, Skyguard, Marauder, Enforcer, Thresher。
