Players are now able to advance to Battle Rank 23. We are also implementing the following adjustment to help with the new range of advancement.
To facilitate existing characters restructuring their character build with these changes and to prepare for their continued advancement, we will be clearing everyone's certifications with this update.
In order to facilitate easier travel, especially while wearing Reinforced Exo-Suit, we are making the ATV and Harasser certifications 1 point.
In an effort to control "one man army" character builds, who can do it all, from happening with the new certification alignment, we are bumping up Uni-Max, BFR and Air Cav.
BRの上限が上がって"one man army(一人で何でもできちゃう奴)"というのを作れないようにするため、
「BFR」、「Uni-MAX」、「Air Cavalry」のCertポイントを以下の通り増加させる。
Now, it all happens. As the lattice is rerouted across the system once again, Empires have the opportunity to use the monoliths to shift the balance of power once again. Monoliths will rise across the system on each planet (not including the battle islands). Whichever Empire delivers the most Monolith Units to the Capitol facilities of each planet will gain the advantage when the revamped lattice comes online by being granted a lock on each of the four neutral continents and enjoying the benefits of each:
Monoliths will spawn from Saturday to Monday on each server.
Events will happen according to the local server time.
We made a pass over BFR, MBT, Deliverer and Assault Buggy weapons with splash damage to have them explode upon hitting water. Previously, some weapons did this and some didn't. Uniformly now, if the weapon has a splash radius explosion, it will now go boom! upon hitting water.
Currently, the aiming with projectiles like Prowler or Vanguard rounds, are a little deceptive because you see the whole explosion because of the transparancy of the water and water detection code. We hope to revise this in a future build to make "walking" your shells toward a target more accurate. Even with this issue, this change helps to even vehicle balance against opponents over water.
Squad Home Baseシステムの導入と、その他大量の修正、変更が行なわれています。
Implemented Squad Home Base functionality. This great new feature is designed to help squads to stick together and promote teamwork. Please click the link and read the full description for all the details!
Squad Home Baseを導入しました。この新しい機能はSquad単位での連携したプレイを促進するようになっています。詳しい事をリンク先でチェックしてください。
To help squads stay together when recalling to the Sanctuary, soldiers will spawn closest to the following, listed by priority:
If none of the above apply, the player will pick a spawn building at random.
This version has support for low resolution sound effects that will be available soon as an optional download for those players who wish to use them.
Squad Experience: We revised how experience is split out when you are in a squad to make squadding better to gain BEP over soloing. There is now a bonus for sticking close to your squadmates. The radar will "glow" to let you know when you are at medium or long range and a waypoint will come up to indicate which direction you should head to re-join your squad members. That's the basics of it, but we encourage you to click the link above and read the details!
Squad Leader Chat: Now, all leaders of squads on a particular planet can talk to each other via "/SL". This is to promote teamwork and coordination without the tedium of sending specific tells to CR4's or 5's.
「Squad Leader Chat」という新しいチャットチャンネルを新設。これは/sや/oなどと同等の完全に独立したチャンネルで、発言用の識別記号は「 /sl 」。すべてのSquadのリーダーがBR、CRの制限なく自由に発言でき、受信は同じゾーンに居る同じ勢力のSquadリーダー全員。
There will be no server downtime required for this update. The changes will be effective next time Planetside is launched.
On May 19, 2005, Planetside celebrates its 2nd Year Anniversary. This anniversary brings two special rewards for the community. A Two Year Term of Service Merit and a Heavy Sniper Rifle.
2005年5月19日でPlanetsideはサービス開始2周年となります。これを記念して新しいメリットコメンデーションと、Heavy Sniper Rifleを追加しました。
This update brings a few balancing adjustments for better gameplay. For more details visit the >Planetside Forums.
This system allows the support roles to receive experience from kills after giving support. It includes soldier repairs, heals, using AMS, repairing turrets, etc. The experience will be granted to the one offering the support if a kill is made by a supported player directly after receiving the support.
サポート経験値システムを導入。これは、自分が蘇生させた兵士、回復させた兵士、自分が所有するAMSから出てきた兵士、自分が修理したTurret等がキルをとった場合、自分にもSupport Experience Point (SEP)が得られるというシステム。
Statistics for the Support Merits will be tallied, however, the actually merits will be implemented in an update later this week. We needed the Support System live beforehand.
Here is where you can find more information on the >Planetside Support Experience and Merit Commendations and the >Support Experience Addendum.
This mission system replaces the offline training system. It will take players through a series of training missions to complete.
従来のOffline training systemに代わってNew player mission systemというものを用意した。詳細不明。
This aircraft is a Liberator Bomber variant. It is a specialization of the Liberator designed to work in support of ground troops in clearing out enemy armor units. Only experienced Liberator pilots will be cleared for use of the Vulture. Obtaining one from a flight vehicle terminal will require not only the Air Support certification, but also a Bomber Ace III or higher Merit Commendation. For more information view the >Vulture: Close Support Bomber post.
Liberatorのカスタム機「Vulture」を追加した。これは地上部隊のサポートに特化された対車両用のもので、操縦に必要なCertは「Air Support」だが、それ以外にBomber AceメリットのSilver以上も取得していないといけない。
Some minor adjustments were made to the infantry weaponry reload, equip time and holster time. For more information view the Infantry Weaponry Times post.
・Medium AssaultやSuppressorの構える時間も0.1~0.2秒ぐらい短縮させた。リロード時間についてもアニメーションの都合もあるが大体0.5秒ぐらいに変更。
・Heavy Assaultについては構える時間を逆に0.1~0.25秒ほど長くした。
・AVやSpecial Assaultについては変更なし。
After reviewing feedback, the following changes have been made:
The Support Merit Commendations have been updated. You can view the updated requirement information to get further details. The Support Merit Commendations graphics have been arranged based on type of roles. Below is the convention used:
The sidebars are green to indicate a support merit and the second inner stripes indicate the rank.
The only support merits that don't follow the above are the Router Support and Telepad Deployment awards. Those have a black background and purple and light purple stripes for the Router and Telepad, respectively.
Also, the Healing, Reviving, and Repairing merits were arranged so that they can form a "+" symbol, and the Hacking awards were arranged so that they can form an "H".