
最近5件 2009年 2008年 2007年 2006年 2005年 2004年 2003年以前


Version 3.10.3 -2006-1/11

Update Highlights

  • NVIDIA Cg DLLs have been updated from 1.0 to 1.4.
    nVIDIA Cg DLL(3D処理のあたりの何か)ってものを1.0から1.4にバージョンアップさせた。
  • Holiday features have been removed (hats, gift boxes, tree lights, and the /humbug command)
  • Fixed a bug where the Lasers on the Aphelion and Eclipse would not always do damage when fired directly upon a stationary target.

Version 3.11 -2006-3/16


  • Players can create characters from all three empires now.
  • Added an optional free certification reset that will be granted upon logging into the 3.11 build for the first time. There is an option to “Forget All” certifications when you open up a certification terminal.
    このパッチが当たった以後に初めてログインした場合に限り、Certターミナルにアクセスしたときに「Forget All」というボタンが出現し、これを押すことですべてのCertを返却できるようにした。
  • Increased the capacity of the Burster ammo box from 50 to 100
    Burster MAXの弾薬ボックスひとつあたりの弾数を50から100に増やした。
  • Increased the velocity of the Burster projectile (There was some talks that the Burster was having difficulty reaching the ceiling or that the projectiles were being forgotten by the client. We verified that this scenario was false and the point of contention was the speed of the projectile. It took quite some time to hit the ceiling in it's current state therefore the speed was increased to compensate for this downfall)
    Burster MAXの弾の飛ぶ速度を速くした。
  • Decreased the refire time of the Burster while unlocked
    Burster MAXのアンカーを使用していないときの連射速度を少し上げた。(3割アップぐらい)
  • Increased the initial velocity of the Sparrow projectile
    Sparrow MAXの攻撃の初速を少し早くした。
  • Reduced the lifespan of the Sparrow projectile to keep their range the same (because the velocity change increased their range which was not needed as it can already reach the ceiling)
  • Created new certification for the Switchblade
  • Changed the Switchblade certification prerequisite to ATV
  • Switchblade armor was reduced
  • Increased the Switchblade's purchase timer to 5 minutes
    SwitchbladeのAcquire Timer(再取り出し制限時間)を5分に増やした。
  • The first time help icon has been replaced with a glowing exclamation point to coincide with the recent art changes.
  • Added BR24+ hats and berets. Characters of all three empires gain the option to wear a hat or beret when they reach Battle Rank 24. The /hat command is used to put the hats on and take them off (the /helmet command must first be used to hide the helmet).
  • Added the “Appearance” dialog, accessible by clicking the “Customize Appearance” button on the Character pane. This dialog allows players to quickly choose which optional items they want their character to display.
  • Knife holster has been added to both the status bar and the inventory page.
  • Confirmation dialogs have been added for the /outfitkick and /outfitleave chat commands.
  • Made it so it is possible to skip through the Bending and BFR movies by hitting any key.
  • Added more signs to make Training in sanctuary more noticeable
  • Added a timed helper that assists new players by popping up context-specific help as they move around in the game.


  • Edited first-time help texts for brevity
  • Fixed a bug that allowed TR MAXes to unload full clips by reloading right after anchoring
    TR MAXがアンカーを打った後にリロードを行うと、武器に弾が残っていた状態からでもフル装填分の予備弾薬を消費していたバグを修正。
  • Made it so jumping cancels all recalls and rematrixes.
    All Recalls、Rematrixesの要請をキャンセルできないようにした(?)
  • Fixed a minor bug where destroyed Router teleport pads would still emit sound.
    Router Telepadが破壊された後でもその場所に音だけ残していたバグを修正。
  • Polished cursor graphics so they stand out better
  • Increased the font size of the session stats window
    session stats windowのフォントサイズを小さくした。
  • Scrollbar in empire description on the character creation screen now shows only if needed
  • Platoon default chat color is now bright orange which should be much easier to read
  • Due to player feedback we added "Invert Map Mouse look Zoom" as a toggle game option
    オプションの「Game」に「Invert Map Mouse look Zoom」という項目を追加した。機能はそのまんま。
  • Tweaked the third person camera speed to compensate for mouse wheel and keyboard use
  • Mosquito radar icon should not disappear after traveling through a warpgate.
  • Removed “show session stats” option from Options:Game; players will just use the key mapping
    オプションの「Game」から「show session stats」の項目を削除した。





  • changed screenshot to PrintScreen
  • Improved the W graphic on the proximity radar window
  • Increased default mouse sensitivity
  • Increased default opacity of windows to increase legibility. This will only affect new players.
  • Removed some un-needed space from the Performance Window
  • Continent map now uses a more "RTS Style" mouse scrolling where placing the mouse at the edge of the screen will scroll and won't get blocked by windows or the top toolbar.
  • Changed the new character default certifications to have ATV and Harasser instead of Armored Assault 1. This was to avoid the confusing "Invalid Armor" situation for new players until they are more familiar with the game.
  • Improved the first-time help when opening the map in warpgate selection mode
  • Improved the first-time help when opening a map in normal viewing mode
  • Slight increase in default size of the radar window to better align with other windows
  • Added pop up helps for using weapons and medkits the first time you enter a battle zone
  • Corrected an issue where you could select a row on the CE window leaving a yellow highlight that would last until you logged
  • Changed the Boomer icon to be easier to tell from the HE Mine icon
  • Added tooltips to icons on the CE Window
  • Changed order of icons in the CE Window to mirror ACE fire mode selection order
  • Revised the Certification training mission text so it refers to the correct 6 hour unlearn timer rather than the old 24 hour timer
  • Made it so reserve ammo does not display for Switchblades, Flails, and Cavern Turrets. Since you can never reload these weapons anyway there is no point to display 0 for the reload reserve.
  • Corrected an issue where vehicle timer text could overlap with the vehicle name on the Vehicle Terminal selection window
  • Changed the font used on ammo boxes in the inventory window
  • Modified position of holster numbers in inventory window
  • Fixed bug where the driver of some vehicles would not start in first person camera view from the vehicle pad
  • Fixed text strings that were referring to old window names (ex. “Soldier Management” is now “Game Windows”)
  • Decreased default time that first-time help windows stay up to 60 seconds (reduced from 120)
  • Removed tooltips from the Create Character screen face grid and the Select Outfit Decal dialog.
  • All flak projectiles (Burster, BFR Burster, Skyguard, and Flaklet) now detonate upon impacting flight vehicles and flying BFRs.
  • Added Session Stats, Performance, and Combat Engineering to Game Windows window
  • Added window name and hotkey next to buttons on Game Windows window
  • Changed some window titles
  • Outfit Info -> Outfit
  • Vehicle Access -> Vehicle
  • Soldier Management -> Game Windows
  • Organizational Info -> Players (which is more intuitive for the P key mapping)
  • Default key mapping changes
  • Outfit is now O
  • Character is now U, instead of O. While neither is intuitive, at least U is EQ2 standard, and allows O to be Outfit, which is intuitive.
  • Made session stats window default to not showing for new players
  • Changed session and performance stat windows to save their visibility state in same way other windows do.
  • Tweaked appearance of Performance Stats to look like other stats
  • Improved layout of front end screens by grouping buttons by importance, and increasing contrast between back/next and secondary buttons
  • Eliminated unnecessary/erroneous tooltips from front end
  • Replaced X button with more explicit EXIT button
  • Eliminated confirmation dialog when exiting the game
  • In server list, fixed column heading from SERVER LIST to SERVE
  • Changed character creation step 2 so BACK button goes back to empire selection, not character selection
  • Slightly tinted planet backdrop in front-end with complementary color to set off foreground controls more
  • Edited empire description texts so that they do not require scrolling in English
  • Added zone name to loading screen
  • Polished loading screen presentation
  • Removed unnecessary “Name” header text from Favorites tab on Equipment terminal
  • Changed NEXT button on character creation to read FINISH
  • Removed “Are you sure you want to disconnect?” confirmation when Back button is pressed on character select screen
  • Changed first-use-help window appearance to contrast more with normal windows, and be easier to read. It also auto sizes its height to the text (up to a point), and only shows the scrollbar if needed.
  • Reversed mouse wheel zoom direction on map; it was previously the opposite of the standard, which is irritating for new players
  • Numerous small tweaks to the popup texts for clarity (ex. changing “Press the G key to purchase from the terminal” to “Press G to use the equipment terminal”), aesthetics, and brevity.
  • Changed server names from “Markov (and Johari)” and “Emerald (and Konreid)” to just Markov and Emerald.
  • Disabled first-time help for sanctuary (obsolete now)
  • Tweaked alignment of many windows for polish and consistency
  • Performance stats window and soldier management pane are hidden by default now
  • Commented out behavior of auto-showing performance stats window in response to link dead warning
  • Increased default height of vehicle, equipment, and BFR windows, so players can see a bit more without scrolling.
  • Fixed bug where windows would try to avoid overlapping vehicle damage display; this would cause bad-looking default alignments
  • Fixed alignment of re-spawning dialog; it would move to a bad spot when you increase resolution higher than 1024x768
  • Made “Invert Flying Input” the default, so up = up and down = down, which is a lot more intuitive for new players

Version 3.11.1 -2006-3/20

/appeal コマンドを使用するとPSを一旦バックグラウンド化してWEBブラウザを開き、SOEへの報告専用のWEBページを表示するようになりました。


Version 3.11.2 -2006-3/23

  • Should fix problem we are having with Win98/ME machines.
    Windows98, Meでプレイしたときの不具合を修正。
  • Fixed bug where map mousewheel preference would not save.
    3.11.0で追加されたオプション項目の「Invert Map Mousewheel Zoom」の設定をログアウトしても保持するようにした。
  • Fixed interface problem with creating characters of all three empires.
  • Fixed problem where the Forget All certifications button overlapped with the unlearn timer text.
    Certターミナルのアクセス画面に出る「Forget All」ボタンの位置を右下から右上に変更。
  • Fixed bug where the SOE splash screen was skipped.

Version 3.11.3 -2006-3/31

  • Martial Law has been declared on the island of Desolation.
  • Added a setting where players can disable the red screen flash upon taking damage.
  • Slowed down the third person zoom in/out speed.

Version 3.11.4 -2006-4/4

  • Reduced armor on AMS and ANT on Desolation.
  • Increased anti-vehicular damage of Six Shooter and Pellet Gun weapons on Desolation.
    Desolation専用武器のSix ShooterとPellet Gunの対車両ダメージを上げた

Version 3.11.5 -2006-4/14

Today we had a small publish where we pushed a fix to the Merit bug. Nothing too major but thought we would push that out as it was causing some HSR users some frustration.
HSRで敵を倒してもメリットコメンデーションのカウントにならないという不具合があったので修正。HSRはStandardでありSnipingでもある特殊な武器だが、これでキルを獲った場合はSnipingのメリットにカウントされるようになった(ゲーム内での説明文にはBolt Driverとしか書かれてないけどHSRでも可)。

Also today, we are putting up 3.11.6 on Test for a Play-test at 3pm (in less than 3 hours) to push out by next week.

  • Included in this build that was not in last week is an armor increase to the Wall Base Turrets and an increase to the Assault Buggy damage out put.


Version 3.11.6 -2006-4/18

Hello all!
Hoping that the notes will stay up this time (small issue last week).
Here are the notes from last week - See you in game!

  • Increased the damage versus vehicles and equipment for the Phoenix, Lancer and Striker. (Damage versus flight vehicles is unchanged)
    Phoenix, Lancer, Strikerの対車両ダメージを増やした(対空、対MAXは変化なし)
  • Increased the damage versus BFRs for the Lancer and Striker. (The Phoenix was already at the ratio in line with the Lancer and Striker)
    Lancer, Strikerの対BFRダメージPhoenixと同じ比率まで上げた
  • Decreased the damage versus BFRs for the Decimator to be in line with the other hand held AV weaponry.
  • Greatly increased damage vs. vehicles, BFRs and equipment inflicted by Pounders, Comets, and Falcons (anti-vehicular MAX weapons).
    Pounder, Comet Falcon MAXの対車両、対BFR、対設備ダメージを大幅に上げた
  • Slightly increased damage vs. other MAXes inflicted by Pounders, Comets, and Falcons.
    Pounder, Comet, Falcon MAXの対BFRダメージを上げた
  • Increasing the damage versus Armor, Flight Vehicles, Maxes and BFRs for the Falcon, Comet and Pounder.
    Pounder, Comet, Falcon MAXの対設備、対飛行機、対MAX、対飛行機ダメージを上げた
  • Increased the damage vs. vehicles and equipment inflicted by Punisher and Rocklet rockets.
  • Increased armor of Harassers, Marauders, Threshers, and Enforcers.
    Harasser, Marauder, Thresher, Enforcerの最大装甲を上げた
  • Increased armor of Flight Variant BFRs.
  • The Striker will no longer lock onto base wall turrets when they are destroyed until they have become active again.
    壊れた状態のWall TurretはStrikerでロックオンできないようにした
  • Wall Turretの装甲が大幅に上がっています

Version 3.11.11 -2006-5/18

Today, we will kick off an event to celebrate Planetside’s third anniversary. The event will evolve over possibly a week or more, so you are encouraged to login each day to see what has changed. Most of the action will take place during peak (evening) hours. That’s all we can say about it –if you want to know more you’ll have to login and find out what happens!

Also in this publish, we addressed some issues that should resolve some recent login problems.

See you in game!



Version 3.11.18 2006-6/9

We are pushing and emergency build at 1pm pst (4pm est, 9 gmt) to address the player drops / login issues that have been occurring lately. Most notably on Markov.

Sorry for the short notice.



Version 3.11.20 2006-6/22

Update Highlights:

  • Added the Wasp interceptor. The Wasp is a variant of the Mosquito that is equipped with devastating anti-air weaponry and an extended use afterburner. It is available to soldiers certified in "Air Calvary, Interceptor", and requires the Tech Plant benefit to access.
    新しくWasp interceptorという飛行機を用意した。Mosquitoの派生モデルで、破壊的な対空兵器を備えアフターバーナーも変更されている。使用には「Air Cavalry, Interceptor(2point)」という新Certが必要で、これの取得には「Air Cavalry, Scout」が必要。TechPlantのリンクがある基地でしか出すことができない。
  • Changedrocklet anti-MAX damage back to its previous value. It was accidentally raised during the recent infantry AV buffs.
    Rocklet rifleの対MAXダメージをv3.11.6での変更を行う前の値に戻した。具体的には105から75になったと思われます。

Version 3.11.21 2006-6/26


Version 3.11.24 2006-7/11

  • The Wasp will no longer be available without the Air Calvary: Interceptor certification.
    WaspをAir Calvary: Interceptor Certが無いと扱えないようにした。(多分Air Cavalry, Interceptorの事)
  • Pounder secondary firing mode projectiles now explode when they contact an object or when their 3 second timer expires; whichever comes first. This will bring the Pounder grenade functionality more inline with how all other grenade weapons currently work.
  • Increased security measures
  • Added hack detection. We are currently only logging cheaters; once we are satisfied the detection is working correctly they will be punished.

Version 3.11.26 2006-7/14


Version 3.11.28 2006-7/27

Special Event: Blast Into Battle, Double Time

Attention Soldiers!

Support your Empire and get rewarded! Starting on Thursday July 27th, 2006, Blast Into Battle, Double Time! for special week of bonus experience:

  • Base captures experience has been doubled
  • Squad member experience has doubled based on close and long range proximities to your other squad members
  • We doubled the amount of time that you can get support experience from other soldiers or vehicles in these areas:
    • Soldiers spawning and reequipping at your AMS
    • Healing and reviving soldiers
    • Repairing another soldier's armor
    • Repairing a damaged vehicle
    • Vehicles rearming or repairing at your Lodestar
    • Soldiers using your hacked Medical, Order, Vehicle or BFR terminal
    • Soldiers bailing from your Galaxy
    • Soldiers using your Router and Telepad
      自分の設置したRouter, Telepadを利用して仲間がテレポートした場合
  • Implant certifications have been reduced from Battle Ranks 6, 12 and 18 allowing you to now play with two Implants at Battle Ranks 6 and another at Battle Rank 7
  • Increased the Hart docking time making it easier for those who continually miss the flight
  • Reduced the Hart rotation allowing you to get to battles much easier.

Version 3.11.34 2006-8/8

Update Details:

The Bonus Experience Week Ends

  • Base captures experience has been returned to normal.
  • Squad member experience, based on close and long range proximities to your other squad members has been returned to normal.
  • The time that you can get support experience from other soldiers or vehicles in the following areas have been returned to normal.
    • Soldiers spawning and reequipping at your AMS.
    • Healing and reviving soldiers.
    • Repairing another soldier's armor.
    • Repairing a damaged vehicle.
    • Vehicles rearming or repairing at your Lodestar.
    • Soldiers using your hacked Medical, Order, Vehicle or BFR terminal.
    • Soldiers bailing from your Galaxy.
    • Soldiers using your Router and Telepad.


Version 3.11.48 2006-12/6

  • Merit Enhancements:
    • Several new merits have been added.
    • New advanced progress ranks of Titanium and Auraxium have been added to allow continued progress.
    • Existing merits that stopped at gold or platinum have been expanded up to the Titanium and Auraxium ranks.
      メリットコメンデーションの段階をGoldまでの最大5段階から、その上にTitanium, Auraxiumを加えて最大7段階に変更
    • Requirement fields have been added to all merits
      Award Progressパネルの各項目の説明欄に達成数について記述した
  • Holiday Features: Santa hats, present box corpse graphics, and lights in the trees on arctic continents.
    • Related Command: The /humbug command is available for those not wanting to see the new santa hats or present boxes.
      毎年恒例となったクリスマスである、サンタ帽(ナイトキャップ)、ブレゼント箱、クリスマスツリーの導入。今回は/humbugコマンドによってこれらのON / OFFができるようになっています。各自好みに合わせて。

Version 3.11.50 2006-12/21

More Holiday Fun:

Watch out for the new objects appearing all over Auraxis during the holiday. In certain locations you might run across a snowman, gingerbread man, sled, or xmas tree. Exploring the world to find these objects might just earn you a few merits:

これから年末年始にかけてマップ上のどこかに雪だるま, クッキーの人形, ソリ, クリスマスツリーをいくつか配置、それを見つけるというイベントを行ないます。見つけた人には以下の3つの専用メリットが与えられます。

  • Holiday: Snowman - Earned by finding all 9 snowmen.
  • Holiday: Gingerbread Man - Earned by finding all 10 gingerbread men.
  • Holiday: Spirit of Youth - Earned by finding 7 sleds and 7 xmas trees (there are 9 of each).

Players that participate in the event and earn the awards may get a special prize at the end of the event!

Miscellaneous Changes:

  • Engineering merits should all list requirements
  • News Ticker has been updated with news about new merits and the xmas event
    News Tickerに今回のイベント等について書いた
  • Equipment support merits should all list requirements
    Equipment supportメリットの説明文にちゃんと達成条件を書いた
  • Players that use /humbug to hide the santa hat should now be able to keep their usual hat flair (i.e. beret, etc)
