
最近5件 2009年 2008年 2007年 2006年 2005年 2004年 2003年以前


Version 2.3.23 (2004-1/7)


  • The holiday decorations have been removed.
  • Fixed certain client crashes.

Version 2.4.7 (2004-2/6)


Gameplay Changes

  • Reinforced Exosuit now absorbs two more points of damage and has 50 more armor.
  • The Empire Population Cap has been reduced so an equal number of players from each Empire can be on a continent at once. The over population cap is unchanged.
  • Flag icons now appear when a cavern building is hacked.
  • Destroyed Spawn Tubes and Ancient Sentry Turrets will have a "destroyed" graphic to help players know their status.
    Spawn Tube(そんな物存在しないのでRespawn Tubeの事と思われる)とAncient Sentry Turret(Cavernの固定砲台)は破壊状態を見た目で判断できるようになる。(Respawn Tubeの破壊状態はほんとに見れるのか?見た目の変化を確認できず)
  • Animation culling can now be toggled through the video options interface.
    ビデオオプションに「Cull Animation」の項目追加。例によってONにしても設定が保存されないバグ付き。
  • There now is a "Rotate Radar" option in the "Game Options" area that allows the Radar view to rotate with the player.
    オプション画面でレーダーマップを「北が上」と「自分が見ている方角が上」の2種類で切り替えられるようになった(オプションの「Rotate Radar」の項目)
  • Lodestar is now listed in kill stats.
    kill stats欄にLodestarの項目を追加(どう考えてもただの不具合修正)
  • Radiator clouds are now visible.
    Radiator cloud(古代武器Radiatorの出すダメージフィールド)が他人でも見えるようになった
  • Tertiary mode on the Maelstrom will now fire grenades that explode on impact.

Bug Fixes

  • Players will no longer spawn in invalid locations within an AMS bubble.
    AMSのRespawn Tubeから出てくる時に、木の上などの遮蔽フィールド外に出現してしまう不具合の修正
  • Base Lattice links will no longer go black when the status of a base changes.
  • Fixed an issue where players take no damage when shot at point blank range by certain weapons.
  • MAX death animations display properly.
  • Vehicles will no longer get stuck in autodrive if someone enters a gunner spot when the vehicle is created.
  • Fixed an issue where vehicle momentum does not change when running over people.
  • Vehicles and players will no longer take damage when a player is dismounting and a gunner is firing.
  • Fixed a bug where vehicles could drive through lava longer than they could drive through water.
  • The vehicle shield effect will no longer stick to players when they exited their shielded vehicles.
  • The Repair/Rearm functions of the Lodestar will no longer work inside of a warpgate.
  • Passengers recovering from Linkdeath in a Lodestar will no longer become stuck in the cargo bay.
  • Fixed a bug in ground vehicles where running over users with 0 armor will not kill them, but users with some armor points die instantly.
  • Bailing from an aircraft will no longer leave the 'inertial dampener' effect visible in the sky for a long time.
  • Advanced Targeting now shows the state of unmanned Ancient Sentry Turrets.
    Advanced Targetingインプラントは、Ancient Sentry Turretが敵か味方かを見分けることができる様になった(味方が乗ってない場合はみんな赤字に見える)
  • Ancient Sentry Turrets will fire properly after a player zones.
  • Holding a directional key while in the map view and exiting the map will no longer cause the map to continue scrolling.
  • Vehicles with gunner positions that enter and exit a Lodestar will no longer lose gunner ammo upon exit.
  • オーガニゼーショナルインフォ(デフォルトPキーで出るウィンドウ)にイグノアタグが追加
  • マップ画面にClaimed Facilityの項目が追加(まだ機能せず、今後のアップデートの前準備と思われる)

Version 2.4.12 (2004-2/17)


  • Fixed an issue that caused some vehicles to take excessive damage from the terrain.
  • Animation Culling options will now save properly.
    前回のパッチでオプションに追加された「Cull Animation」の項目が保存されなかった不具合の修正(ぜんぜん直ってない)
  • Players will no longer get grief messages for shooting equipment in VR training.
  • Player Response Updates are Live! Check out all the details In Testing!
    In TestingにあったResponse Updateを営業サーバーに導入。詳しい事は以下。


  • 乗物の武器の装填数(リロードなしで撃てる弾数)を変更
    乗物名 武器名 変更内容
    Basilisk 12mm Rotary Chaingun 250発から100発へ減少(実際は150)
    Deliverer 20mm Recoilless Cannon 250発から100発へ減少(実際は150)
    Harasser 12mm Rotary Chaingun 250発から150発へ減少
    Liberator 25mm Machinegun(後部) 250発から150発へ減少
    Lightning 12mm Rotary Chaingun 250発から150発へ減少
    Magrider Light Pulsed Particle Accelerator 250発から150発へ減少
    Marauder Heavy Proximity Grenade Launcher 20発から50発へ増加
    12mm Rotary Chaingun 250発から150発へ減少
    Prowler 12mm Rotary Chaingun 250発から200発へ減少(実際は150)
    Vanguard 20mm Recoilless Canon 250発から200発へ減少
  • 乗物のトランクのサイズを変更
  • 乗物用の弾薬ボックス1つあたりの弾数の変更
    名前 変更 使用してrいる乗物
    20mm ammo 100発から200発へ増加 Deliverer, Galaxy, Reaver, Vanguard
    12mm ammo 100発から300発へ増加 Basilisk, Harasser, Lightning, Mosquito,
    Prowler, Marauder, Skyguard
    Liberator bombs 10発から20発へ増加 Liberator
    25mm 100発から150発へ増加 Liberator
    Ground Pounder 50発から100発へ増加 Marauder
    Flux cannon 50発から150発へ増加 Thresher
    150mm cannon 100発から50発へ減少 Vanguard


  • TR MAXのDual-CyclerはAnti-Infantryに変更
  • TR MAXのPounderはAnti-Vehicleに変更。武器はより速く、遠くへ飛ぶようになり、対装甲用にダメージ特性も変更。
  • TR MAXのアンカーの使用、解除にかかる時間を短縮
  • VS MAXのジャンプジェット使用中のCoFの広がり具合を緩和。これによって空中からの攻撃を容易にする


  • Striker, Phoenix, Lancerのそれぞれの弾薬ボックス1つあたりの弾数が従来の3倍に増加
  • Decimatorを Special Assault から AV に変更
  • Rocklet Rifle用の弾薬ボックス1つあたりの弾数が6発から15発に増加
  • Thumper用の弾薬1つあたりの弾数が6発から12発に増加
  • Jackhammerのファイアモードの切替にかかる時間が長くなる
  • Lasherの装填数が20発から25発に増加、リロード時間の短縮
  • LasherのLash effect(ひげ)の5m制限の解除。(今までは5m飛ぶまではヒゲが出なかったらしい)
  • Bolt-Driver用の弾薬ボックス1つあたりの弾数が5発から10発に増加
  • Shotgun Shellの1つあたりの弾数が30発から16発に減少。(Scatter Pistol, Sweeper Shotgun, Jackhammerの弾薬)
  • Maelstromのグレネードモードが1回で弾を5消費していたのが10に増加
  • 地雷の乗物へのダメージが50%アップ(MAXユニットは乗物に入るのか?)


  • Range MagnifierとEnhanced Targetingがスタミナを消費しなくなる
  • Personal Shield のスタミナ消費量を1/3に減少。
  • Advanced Regeneration を Regeneration に名称変更
  • Advanced Targeting を Enhanced Targeting に名称変更


  • いくつかの乗物がギア比を持つようになる
  • ANT:ギア比をかなり改良
  • Basilisk, Wraith:ギア比を少し改良
  • Harasser:ギア比をかなり改良、最高速度は約80kphに増速
  • Skyguard:ギア比をかなり改良、最高速度は約80kphに増速
  • Thresher:ギア比をかなり改良、衝突ダメージを減少
  • Enforcer:ギア比をかなり改良、衝突ダメージを減少
  • Marauder:ギア比をかなり改良、最高速度は75kphに増速、衝突ダメージを減少
  • Deliverer:ギア比をかなり改良、衝突ダメージを減少
  • Lightning:最高速度を75kphに増速
  • Galaxy:最高速度を85kphに増速(Lodestarは据え置き)


  • 手榴弾が弾薬(というのか?)ひとつあたり3発になる
  • AT武器(Spiker, Radiator, Maelstrom)が「recharge capacitor units」という弾薬を必要とするようになる。その弾薬は武器本体と同様にAncient ET、 Equipment ModuleのあるFacilityのETから取り出すことができる。これで出先でのAT武器の弾薬補給が可能となる。
  • TR MAXのBursterは飛行機以外には爆風のダメージを与えなくなる

Version 2.5.5 (2004-3/15)

Game play

  • Capitol Buildings are live. Read more about them here.
    Capitol Buildingシステムを導入。>細かい事はこっち参照
  • Core Combat Enhancements are also live. Check them out here.
    Core Combat Enhancementsも導入。
  • If a Cavern is locked, then any friendly surface facilities connected to that cavern (via the lattice through the Geowarps) will act as if it had all six modules installed.
  • Hand-held AT weapons now have "recharge capacitor units" (Ancient Tech "ammo") that you can buy at AT equipment terminals or at facilities with the Equipment module benefit.
    古代武器に"recharge capacitor units"という専用の弾薬を用意した。古代武器が取り出せるET、 Ancient ETから取りだし可能。(補足すると、弾薬は2種類あって 1つはSpikerとRadiatorは共用の物、もうひとつはMaelstrom専用)
  • Phalanx Wall Turrets now have a great upward pivot, allowing them to more easily targeting incoming aircraft.
    Wall Turretsがより高い角度で攻撃できるようになって飛行機への攻撃が楽になった。
  • Certification Terminals can now be destroyed.
  • Double-clicking on a Warpgate will now zoom to its linked continent.
  • Hand Grenades will now come in clips of three, though they will require the same amount of inventory space as before. i.e. A clip of three grenades will take up the 2x2 inventory space that a single grenade consumed before.
  • TR Burster will only do direct damage to non-aircraft targets. It will no longer inflict splash damage on infantry and ground vehicles.
    TRのBurster(Anti-Air MAX)の攻撃は飛行機以外には爆風ダメージを与えなくなった。
  • A glow effect and a laser sight effect have been added to the Decimator.
  • The Lasher will no longer lash enemies before 5m. This eliminates the issue where it would lash targets behind the shooter.
  • The Lasher will no longer lash through walls.
  • The Cone of Fire on the TR Dual Cycler has been reduced.
    TR Dual Cycler (TRのAI MAX)のCoFを良くした。

Bug Fixes

  • Enhanced Targeting will now show the status of enemy Flails beyond 15 meters.
    Enhanced Targetingインプラントが15m以上離れた敵Flail の状態を表示できるようにした。
  • Damage Decals will no longer show up on water.
  • Scorch decals on a door will not remain stationary when a door opens.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause players to lose Outfit points.
    プレーヤーにOutfit Pointを失わせていた問題を修正。(よく分からん)
  • Outfits can invite players with a -J or -K appended to their name through the Outfit Window.
    Outfit Windowから、名前に「-J」や「-K」が付いたプレーヤーをinviteできなかった問題の修正。
  • Fixed an issue where newly created characters could not receive send or receive /tell messages or be added to friends list.
  • Teleporting through Router telepad will no longer cause Darklight to appear with normal field of vision.
    Router telepadを使ってテレポートしたとき、通常の視界でDarklight Visionが働いてしまう問題を修正。
  • Energy weapons will leave a damage decal on surfaces again.
  • Wall Turrets that are destroyed and repaired will display the proper textures.
    壊れたり修復されたWall Turretが適切なテクスチャを表示するようになった。
  • Drivers will no spawn in a vehicle with only 1 shot remaining in the vehicle's weapon clip.
  • Manual binds will no longer remain after deleting character and creating another.
  • Fixed an issue where an avatar could remain in the world after being disconnected.


  • 同じグレネードを連続で使用したときの使用間隔が長くなった。
  • Heavy Assault のCoFが向上している感じ(確証はないがたぶん良くなってる)。

Version 2.6.5 (2004-4/21)

2.5.8から Inf関係を中心に大量の変更、修正が与えられています。

  • High resolution textures will now display properly. Since this calls higher graphical features, users may notice a performance difference after this update. If this happens, we recommend disabling high-res textures.
  • Players will have the option to automatically reload their weapon when it runs out of ammo.
    オプションの「Game」タブにAuto Reloadの項目を新設。チェックすると、武器の弾を使いきったときに予備の弾を持っていれば自動でリロード操作を行ってくれる。
  • An armor status bar will be visible over avatars.
    味方の歩兵、MAXユニットの名前の下に今までのヘルスに加えてアーマーの状態を示すバーも表示するようになった。Enhanced Targetingインプラントを使用すれば敵のアーマーも同様に表示される。
  • Hover vehicle brakes were modified to allow brakes to function more efficiently. Vehicles affected: Magrider, Thresher, Router, Flail.
  • Low-ratio gears (first and second gears) were adjusted (slightly) on the following vehicles in order to increase their torque (starting power) when trying to start moving uphill from a dead stop. Vehicles affected: AMS, Sunderer, Vanguard, Prowler, Magrider, Router, Flail.
    対象車両:AMS、 Sunderer、 Vanguard、 Prowler、 Magrider、 Router、 Flail
  • Levels of visibility have been honed for each of the different actions that Infiltrators can take - running, walking, crouch-walking, jumping, and shooting, etc. Further, the level of visibility has been adjusted to account for multiple simultaneous actions, such as jumping and shooting.
    クローキング中のInf な兵士の透明度が、走り/歩き/ジャンプ/しゃがみ/攻撃などの行動によって変化するようになった。ジャンプしながら攻撃、のような複合技でもちゃんとそれように透明度は変化する。
  • Infiltrators will remain cloaked when they mount a vehicle, but will be partially visible as long as they occupy the seat. This adjustment does not apply to the wraith, which will remain fully invisible when sitting still, and become more visible at higher speeds.
  • Fixed a bug that was causing Infiltrators to remain completely invisible when using the Flail's targeting laser. Infiltrators will now be as visible when using the Flail laser as they would while using any other piece of support equipment.
    Inf な歩兵がクローキングしながらLaze Pointerを使用したとき、透明度が変化しなかったバグを修正。今後はLaze Pointerを使用している時も、REK等他のサポートアイテムを使用しているときと同じように透明度が落ちる。
  • Pistol slot items will no longer be visible in an Infiltration Suit.
    クローキング中のInf な兵士が、ピストルスロットのアイテムだけ表示されてしまう事はなくなった。
  • Hotswapping items will no longer cause infiltrators to become more visible.
    Inf な兵士がホットスワップでアイテムを持ち替えたときに透明度が少し落ちる。(ちょっと訳に自信なし)
  • The Infiltration Status Icon will function properly, giving a visual indicator of how "cloaked" a player is.
    Inf な兵士が自分が今どれくらいの透明度なのかを「Infiltration Status Icon」で正確に知ることができるようにした。
  • The nature of the Empire-specific Infiltration Suit models caused some suits to be more visible than others. We have adjusted parameters for each Empire to compensate for this.
  • Added code for improved detection of speedhacking exploits.
  • Ammo boxes will no longer be visible through an AMS cloak bubble.
  • Squad Leaders will be able to quickly drop a personal waypoint at the location of any squad member by right clicking on their icon in the squad bar.
  • Activating the Surge implant will now automatically holster any weapons or equipment that are currently drawn. The implant will automatically deactivate when a weapon is drawn. There will be a small delay after deactivation before the player may fire.
  • Silent Run will be renamed Sensor Shield and will block detection from motion sensors, spitfire turrets, and mosquito scans. Players become visible to sensors if they take any damage, fire a weapon, or use an object like a REK.
    「Silent Run」インプラントが「Sensor Shield」と改名され、Motion sensor、Spitfire turret、Mosquitoのスキャンに反応しなくなった。ただしSensor Shield使用者が、ダメージを受ける/武器を使用する/REK等のアイテムを使用すると、一時的に効果が切れる。
  • Fixed a bug that would cause Infiltrators to be visible to newly spawned players.
  • 車両が全体的にエンジンブレーキが弱くなった感じ。明示的にブレーキを使用しないと惰性で結構進むようになった。

Version 2.7.6 (2004-5/27)


  • We are introducing alternate vehicle loadouts, mounting different weaponry to existing vehicles. The first variants include the Fury, a Basilisk variant equipped with a fixed-forward firing rocket launcher, and a set of Empire-specific Deliverer configurations. Check them out here.
    既存の乗物に違う武器を搭載して乗物を増やす企画の1発目として、Basiliskにロケットランチャーを付けた「Fury」と、Delivererに勢力それぞれの固有武器を載せた 「Aurora」、「Raider」、「Thunderer」を導入。詳しい事はこっち参照。
  • The AMS is being redesigned. It will now feature two equipment terminals, a matrixing panel and a deconstruction panel. The spawn tubes are being removed, since players now spawn in the cloak bubble, not in the tubes. The AMS will retain all of its current functionality, while adding an additional equipment terminal. Also, the AMS is now deployed by the driver from inside.
  • Empire Incentives are being improved. These have been described in the here site.
    Empire Incentiveの導入。詳しい事はこっち参照。
  • Session stats are displayed on the HUD so that players can see their kill/death ratios, the amount of time played, etc.
    HUDにログオン時間、Kill数/Death数、稼いだBEP、CEPを表示する横長のバー(Session Stats)を用意した。デフォルトで「Ctrl+S」キーで表示ON/OFF。
  • Tower SOIs will show up at all zoom levels on the continent map.
  • Relative Population Indicators will allow players to see the population distribution of the three Empires across the world. Players will be able to view what percentage of an Empire is on a given continent.
  • Continental Dominion Indicators will display at a glance which Empire holds dominion over each continent on the world map.
    マップ画面のワールドマップにContinental Dominionインジケーターが表示されるようになった。
  • An issue that caused difficulty of attaining and achieving locks with lock-on weaponry has been resolved.
  • Fixed an issue that would allow implants to be used with no stamina drain.
  • Changed certain properties in the texture loading process that would cause stuttering and a reduction in framerates. This should result in smoother graphical performance, particularly after first loading a continent.
  • The vehicle HUD has been improved. Drivers and passengers/gunners will see arrows, indicating each gunner's viewing direction.
  • Toggle Animation Culling will save properly between sessions.
    オプションのグラフィックの「Cull Animation」の設定を保存するようにした。(まるでバグでは無かったかのような)
  • Fixed an issue that would trigger the Empire Switch timer, even though the player had not switched Empires.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause some avatars to become invulnerable in certain situations.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause the chat window to scroll to the top when it is resized.
  • Deployables will no longer become elevated off the group after being deployed.
  • Maelstrom grenades will do damage to generators.
  • Players must now leave a geowarp bubble before they can warp out again. This is done so that players do not instantly get warped out of the cavern when arriving near the teleportation beam.
  • Players without Core Combat registered who attempt to enter a Geo-Warp will get a message letting them know they cannot pass through unless they register the expansion.
  • Fixed an issue that would allow ACEs to be equipped while Surge was activated.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause Infiltrators to be more visible at high zoom levels.

Version 2.7.8 (2004-6/11)


  • The Thunderer's Gauss Cannon projectile now has a 1.5m radius explosion, rather than a 3.0m radius explosion.
  • The Aurora's Fluxpod clip has been increased from 6 shots to 12 shots. Secondary fire salvo size is still 6 shots. Damage to infantry and armor will be slightly lowered, though damage to infantry over 10 seconds is now increased, due to the increased clip size. Its damage against aircraft has been substantially increased.
    AuroraのFlux Pod Launcherの弾薬装填数が6発から12発に倍増。セカンダリファイアは装填数が7発以上でも6発単位で撃つ。同時に、歩兵や装甲に対する1発あたりのダメージをやや減少させたが、装填数の増加で時間あたりのダメージは増加した(セカンダリについては時間あたりに撃てる弾数にほとんど変化は無いので単純に弱体化だと思われる)。対飛行機については1発あたりのダメージも増加。
  • The Enemy Density Warning has had its labels changed to Yellow (lowest density alert) Orange (medium density alert), and Red (highest density alert).
    マップ画面のEnemy Density Warningが程度によって黄色>オレンジ>赤と、色が変わるようになった。
    文字に色が付くのではなく、 Yellow Alert/Orange Alert/Red Alertと表示されるだけ。文字自体は全部黄色。紛らわしいわ!
  • Cleaned up various text strings.

Version 2.8.5 (2004-7/6)


  • We have made some performance optimizations by reducing the client's reliance on the system page file in lower memory machines.
  • Data tracking is being implemented to begin the tracking process for Merit Commendations. With the first update, no awards will be available. This round of tracking is being used to ensure that the data is valid and tracking correctly, so it will not be used to award any commendations. Only the Meritorious Service (awarded to players who are at least one year old) commendation will be available.
    Merit Commendationsの導入に向けて、キャラクターの追跡・監視をはじめた。ただし、今回の更新では正確に追跡が行えるかのテストのみで実際に賞は与えられないけど、表示等インターフェースは実際に導入された場合と同じようになった。ただし現状機能しているのは1年報償のみ。(Oキーで出るキャラクターパネルに「Achievements」タブ追加)
  • The Map screen will now feature an overlay grid, dividing the map into sectors that can be easily identified and communicated. A soldier's grid location will be shown in the proximity radar. each squad member's grid loc will be displayed in the squad display beneath their name (so, you see squad member number, name, health, armor, and Grid Loc for each squad/platoon member)
  • Players will be able to toggle their LFS flag to turn off be off when they first log into the game.
  • A new feature is being implemented called Proximity Squad formation. This feature will simplify the squad formation process by sending an invite to un-squadded players with the LFS flag on within 25m of the player who initiates the command.
    「Proximity Squad formation」というものを導入。これからコマンダーになろうとする(Squadを作ろうとするとき)とき、自分の周囲25m以内に居るLFSフラグがオンのプレーヤーに自動的にInviteを送ることができるようになった。
  • Players will have the ability to spawn multiple chat windows, where they can send different channels to. For example, a player could create a new window that all broadcast chat would be sent to.
    チャットウィンドウを複数開くことができるようになった。これによって、Sauad、Platoonチャンネルで送られてくるメッセージだけ表示するウィンドウとか、 このウィンドウで書き込んだらブロードキャストとか、使い分けができるようになった(当然画面は狭くなるけど。サブのチャットウィンドウがログアウトすると設定保存されてないとか、リスポーン中は表示されないとか、いろいろ不具合がある感じ。)
  • There will now be 8 banks of 8 shortcut keys. CTRL+F1 through CTRL+F8 will switch between them (where F1 represents shortcut bank one, F2 represents bank two and so on).
    ショートカットキー(F1~F8まで押すアレ)が8つのバンクを持つようになった。マウス操作または「Ctrl + F1-F8」を押すことでバンクの切り替えを行い、全部で8x8=64種類のショートカットを登録しておけるようになった(何をそんなに登録するのか?)。
  • Enemies spotted by yourself will properly appear on your radar. Previously, they would only show up on your squadmates' radar (or not at all if you were not in a squad).
  • Outfit invitations will now display the name of the Outfit you are being invited to, in addition to the name of the person inviting you.
  • There is a new Advanced Graphic option to disable rendering Shoreline Effects.
    グラフィックオプションに「Shoreline Effect」のオンオフを設定する項目を追加。海岸線の波打ち際のエフェクト。切って軽くなるならこの程度は切っておいた方が良いかも。
  • Avatars will no longer be propelled in the air when respawning at an AMS in the caverns.
  • オプションのグラフィックで「Cull Animation(高負荷時のアニメーションの間引き設定)」を段階的に設定できるようになった。

Version 2.8.7 (2004-7/7)


  • Fixed an issue with AGP buffers that was causing players to experience substantial drops in framerate performance.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause players to HART drop through world.

Version 2.9.5 (2004-8/2)


  • The latest round of Balance Adjustments have been done For details on what has changed, check here.
    • MAX Armor
      MAXの装甲は、独自のダメージテーブルを持つようになる。DecimatorとProximity mine(近接地雷)以外のほとんどの武器による攻撃は、以前と同じ程度のダメージをMAXに与える。
      Proximity mineがMAXに与えるダメージも抑えられ、1つ踏んだだけでMAXが死んでしまう事は無くなる。けど、瀕死の重傷は負う。
    • Dual Cycler (TRのAI-MAX)
      Dual Cyclerは射撃の精度が向上して、1発あたりのダメージも20%向上する。
    • Quasar (VSのAI-MAX)
    • Pounder (TRのAV-MAX)
    • Falcon (NCのAV-MAX)
    • Comet (VSのAV-MAX)
    • Prowler
    • Galaxy
    • Damage Degradation
    • Switchblade
  • Empire Incentives have been modified. If all Empires are balanced, they have approximately 33% of the total global population. Every hour, we check the last 7-day period and average all those numbers to see whether there are any major shifts in population. If the Empires move away from the 33% optimal situation, we alter xp and health in order to encourage new characters to be created in the Empires that need more population. If an Empire gets extremely out of balance, then the numbers finally get to the point where some players with existing characters might consider changing Empires to avoid penalties. This is done to maintain balance within the game if such imbalance ever occurs.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause an avatar to take no damage in certain conditions. We are aware of an issue that causes some stuttering when a player first logs into the game. We have taken steps to reduce this occurrence and will be continuing to make improvements to performance after initial login.
  • The Merit Commendation attachment is now displayed on character avatars.
  • Implemented an option called Adaptive LOD. When enabled this option allows the game to switch to lower LOD objects closer to the camera. This is only done when the current framerate is below the target framerate. This is available through the Graphics Options UI.
    「Adaptive LOD」という項目をグラフィックオプションに追加。これを有効にすると、フレームレートが目標よりも低いときにテクスチャのディティールを落として描画するようになる。
  • Implemented a Cull Animations option. When enabled, this option allows the game to update animations less frequently for characters that are farther away. This is done regardless of framerate when enabled. This is available through the Graphics Options UI.
    「Cull Animation」の項目をグラフィックオプションに追加(?)。これを有効にすると、遠くにあるオブジェクトのアニメーションの更新間隔が低くなる(遠くの人はコマ送りで歩いているように見える)。これはフレームレートとは関係なく機能する。
  • Keys bound to Turn Left work correctly.
    Turn Leftキーが正常に機能するようになった。
  • Outfit invite text does not get cut off if the inviter has a long name
  • The Striker will now properly hit and do damage to the Phalanx wall turret.
    StrikerがWall Turretにちゃんと当たって、ダメージを与えるようになった。
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the entire continent map to appear in the proximity radar.
  • LLU Sub-Capitols will now spawn an LLU if the only linked base is a Capitol.
  • Soldier Management Menu(画面右下のボタン群)が消しても消しても起動し直すとまた出てくるバグの修正がされています。
  • サブチャットパネルの表示設定は保存されないまま。起動し直すとサブパネルは消えて、メインパネルの設定だけ残る。

Version 2.9.8 (2004-8/12)


  • Damage Degradation on Medium Assault weaponry will now start later in the projectile's path.
    Medium Assaultの武器のダメージの減衰が今までより遠くから始まるようになった。要するに遠距離での性能アップ。そもそもPulsar以外のMAが距離でダメージ減衰する事自体知りませんでした(^^;
  • Lock-on and projectile range for the Starfire and Sparrow AA MAXes has been corrected. They will now lock on to objects and projectiles will travel up to 350m away reliably.
    StarfireとSparrow (VSとNCのAA-MAX)の目標をロックオン可能な距離が350mに延長。たしか今までは250mだった。
  • Fixed a crash to desktop issue that would occur when a character was zoning.
  • If you have experienced issues with freezing, please open the file engine3d_options.ini in your Planetside Test directory and set use_managed_vbs to true.

Version 2.10.7 (2004-8/16)


  • Battle Islands are now Live. For more information, click here.
  • The Global Map Interface has been changed to accomodate the new Battle Islands.
  • Warpgates now work on a hybrid system, with one warpgate on each sanctuary, permanently connecting to one home continent and Broadcast warpgates connecting to others across the world.

Version 2.10.14 (2004-9/23)


  • Standard Assault Pass: The Repeater and Beamer now do more damage, but have a slightly increased Cone of Fire. The Suppressor does more damage and now has a clip size of 25. The MAG Scatter now how 8 shots to a clip.
    Standard Assaultの変更:
    MAG Scatter(ゲーム内での名前はScatter Pistol)の装填数を6発から8発に増加。
  • Spawn Room Pain Fields: A minor pain field will be in effect for all enemies who enter a spawn room, whether in a facility, tower or Core building. The pain effect will remain if a facility is hacked, but will be turned off if the generator is destroyed. If a Core Combat Pain Module is installed, its damage will not stack with the low level pain field. Instead, the pain field will begin doing the Module's level of damage.
  • Low level pain fields will not affect characters that are running an active Sensor Jammer Implant. Also, the Sensor Shield will continue to protect its users if they hack, use a weapon or take any other action. The Sensor Jammer will also have a slight stamina drain against all armor (even while crouched) except for the Infiltration Suit. This will allow infiltrators to move through pain fields as they did before, but anyone in another configuration will have stamina drain and therefore not be able to stay in the pain field indefinitely.
    この標準のペインフィールド(モジュールじゃないほう)の効果は、Sensor Shieldインプラントを使用しているキャラクターには無効になる。また、Sensor Shieldインプラントが多少変更され、これからは武器やアイテムを使用しながらでもインプラントを使用できるようにした。ただし、経時でスタミナを消費するようにして、このスタミナの減りかたが重いスーツを着ている方が早い。
  • Players will earn experience for capturing cavern buildings.
  • Switching to the Stellar map will no longer cause the chat channel to switch to local.
  • Soldiers will now be able to chat while dead. The only two restrictions to this are local and broadcast channels. All other channels, such as squad, platoon and outfit will function.
    自分が死んでいる間でもチャットで発言できるように変更。ただし、Local と Broadcastチャンネルは不可。
  • The Geo Warps will no longer require that an Empire maintains control of a connecting facility to pass through them.
  • Empires that control a facility linked to a Geo Warp may now use that surface Geo Warp as a Broadcast Warpgate destination (assuming that the continent is already a valid broadcast destination for that Empire). This functionality only extends to Geowarps on the surface. Players cannot use a BWG to warp to a cavern.
    また、Geowarpと直接リンクされた基地を所有し且つそのContinentのDominionを取得している勢力は、そのGeowarpをBroadcast Geowarpとして利用できるようになる(Sanctuary等の他のBroadcast Warpgateから直接そのジオワープまで飛べるという事)。ジオワープまで直接飛んできて、改めてそのジオワープ内に入ってCavernへ行くという手順になる。
  • The Rearm function of Vehicle Silos and Airpads will now function at all facilities, whether they are linked to a Dropship Center or not. The Repair function still requires a Dropship Center link.
    すべての基地にあるRepair/Rearmサイロを車両用、飛行機用に関わらずDropship Centerとのリンクが無くても弾薬の補給機能だけは使用できるように変更。修理機能は従来どおりDropship Centerとのリンクが必要。
  • Vehicle Deconstruction has been toned down considerably around Vehicle Acquisition Pads. Now, you basically have to be on top of the pad to risk auto deconstruct.
  • Fixed a memory leak and client crash that would occur after a player repeatedly travels to a new zone.
  • Fixed an issue that would prevent lock-on weapons from tracking and locking onto targets until they reload or switch firing modes.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Lasher projectiles not to lash and Burster and Flak projectiles to not explode when close to aircraft.
    Lasherの弾からヒゲが飛ばない、あんまり飛行機と近づき過ぎたときにBursterとFlak Cannonの近接信管が働かないという不具合の修正。
  • Global Population and Continent Incentives windows no longer automatically hide when you view the global map
    グローバルマップを開いたときに勝手にGlobal PopulationとContinent Incentivesのウィンドウが消えてしまう事は無くなった。
  • Waypoint Toggles will no longer default to off.
    マップ画面でのWay Pointの表示のON/OFFが、デフォルトではOFFにならないようにした。
  • Jacking an AMS will no longer cause it to undeploy itself.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause the proximity radar to randomly disappear from the HUD.
  • Core Combat Module runners will be able to enter a continent through its population lock. This will only affect the runner. Vehicle drivers and occupants sharing a ride with the runner cannot bypass the lock. In a pop-locked situation, the runner must exit the vehicle and run into the geowarp alone.
    モジュールを持ち運んでいるキャラはPopulation Lockが掛かっている星にでも特別に侵入できるようにした。ただしこれはモジュールを持っている本人のみで、その人を運んでいる乗物の運転手などは一緒にその星に入ることはできない。そんな場合はあらかじめ車両から降りて、モジュールを持っている人が一人でジオワープに入らなければいけない。
  • Fixed an issue where players could not see enemy names during heavy fights.
  • The Nexus Battle Island can now be continent locked by an Empire.
    バトルアイランドのひとつであるNexusが単体でもちゃんとContinent Lockが働くようにした。
  • Changes to netcode to prevent packet blocking exploits.
  • Dead avatars will no longer block projectiles.
  • Players will no longer be killed when Instant Action takes them to a Battle Island.

Version 3.0.17 (2004-10/15)

  • BFR Assets are included in this update, however BFR's will not be available to players. BFR Hangars will be present in facility courtyards. Cavern Captures will not lead to BFR imprinting until further notice.
  • All players will need to be aware that we will be recertifying all characters in Planetside tomorrow morning at 3 AM Pacific to introduce new elements to the existing certification process. When you first login to Planetside after tomorrow morning, all of your characters will be without any certifications. You will have all of your certification points restored and may spend them again at a Certification Terminal.
  • Kill Stats are now tracking vehicle occupants as individual kills in the stats UI. For more information, see the Development Doc on this feature.
    Kill Stateに乗り物関係の変更を行い、乗り物でのキルはガンナーだけでなく、ドライバーやパッセンジャーにもカウントされるようになった。詳しいことはこっち参照。どーもうまく機能していない感じ。
  • Implemented the Vehicle Viewing Direction Indicator and Advanced Color Options. The Direction Indicator can be toggled on and off by mapping a key in the Options UI.
  • Created a new certification tree for Armored Assault that includes acquisition for BattleFrame Robotics.
    Armored Assault 1 - Access to the Lightning Tank - cost 2
    └Armored Assault 2 -Access to the empire specific Medium Battle Tank -cost 1
       ├Flail - Access to the Flail - Cost 1 (requires that you have Armored Assault 2)
       └BattleFrame Robotics - Cost 2 (requires that you have Armored Assault 2)
    Armored Assault 1 (2point):Lightning
     └Armored Assault 2 (1point):Magrider/Prowler/Vanguard
        ├Flail (1point)
        └BattleFrame Robotics (2point)
  • The Harasser is now also included in the Assault Buggy certification.
    Harasserは「Assault Buggy」のCertに編入された。
  • While the Light Scout vehicles are now located in other certs (Lightning in Armored Assault 1 and Harasser in Assault Buggies), the Light Scout certification will remain for anyone who is interested in keeping the Lightning/Harasser combination.
    「Light Scout」のCertは今までどおり残す。
  • The Striker and MAX lock-on weaponry now function after deconstructing in a spawn tube.
  • Repeater refire rate improves and a little bit tighter on cone of fire bloom.
  • Flak weapons (Skyguard and Bursters) no longer detonate on contact with the ground causing radius splash damage. The flak projectile will only detonate in the proximity to air vehicles or at the end of it's lifespan.
    Flak武器(SkyguardとButsters MAXのアレ)は地面に着弾してももう爆発しない、爆風ダメージもなくなる。これらは唯一飛行機に直撃、近くで近接信管が働いたときのみ爆発を起こすようになる。(今までも爆発エフェクトは出てもダメージは飛行機以外には入らなかった)
  • Skyguard's ammo load out has been improved with significantly more flak ammunition.
    Skyguardを取り出したときのトランク内の弾薬をFlak Cannon用の弾薬が今までよりも多めに入っているように変更。
  • Capturing Core Combat Cavern zones will now grant Battle or Command experience.
  • Increased SOI of Core Combat bases by 50% to cover a larger area of possible combat to count toward base hack exp.
  • Increased Buggy and Tank maximum speeds .
    Prowler - 57(元は50)
    Vanguard - 60(元は55)
    Magrider -65(元は60)
    Marauder - 80(元は75)
    Enforcer - 80(元は75)
    Thresher - 85(元は80)
    Harasser - 85(元は80)
  • Removed the Tech Plant requirement for the Router and Sunderer.
  • Increased the Sunderer's armor by 10%.
  • Decreased the Flail's rate of fire.
  • Decreased Flail armor.
  • Slightly increased the refire rate of the TR Pounder and Dual Cycler MAX armor when locked down
    TRのPounder MAXとDual Cycler MAXのアンカー使用時の連射速度をアップ。
  • The Lightning and Skyguard's 12mm machinegun cone of fire and recoil have been adjusted to make it much more accurate.
    LightningとSkyguardの12mm Rotary ChaingunのCoFと連射時の反動を大幅に向上させた。
  • Increased the Lightning's armor.
  • Telefragging (killing another soldier by running into a Cavern or Router telepad while another player is standing on the destination) will only occur against enemy soldiers.
    よくわからんけどRouter Telepadの不具合修正と思われる。
  • Moved "Toggle Chat" and "Toggle Radar" buttons from Hud Items (status bar with health, shortcuts, etc) to Hud Management (button bar with other toggle buttons like Inventory, Character, etc).
    「Toggle Chat」「Toggle Radar」ボタンを今の位置から、画面右下に出るボタン群(Shift+Mで出る縦長のアレ)に移動。
  • Vehicles' access permissions can now be controlled for each type of mount point (Driver, Gunner, Passenger, Trunk). Galaxy and Lodestar cargo use the passenger access setting.
  • Repair Silos and BFR Buildings are now present in Sanctuary and Virtual Training.
    Repair SiloとBFR BuildingをSanctuaryとバーチャルトレーニングに設置。バーチャル内に限りBFRを使える。
  • Vehicle deconstruction distance from vehicle pads has been reduced to make it less aggressive.
  • Vehicle deconstruction times have been increased to 30 seconds of warning.
  • Zipline nodes now have a 30 second vehicle deconstruct timer.
  • Fixed a client crash bug related to cloaking and equipping weapons.
  • Players can now see enemy names during heavy firefights.
  • Enhanced Targetingインプラントがチャージが終了すると勝手に起動するようになった。

Version 3.0.18 (2004-10/16)

  • The Beamer should now do correct damage to infantry when in primary fire mode.
  • MAX armor now correctly protects against small arms fire.
  • Corrected an issue that could lead to a zone crash.
  • Avatars should no longer be partially invisible after despawning and respawning.

Version 3.0.19 (2004-10/18)

  • Players will no longer gain grief when their vehicles are in auto-drive from the vehicle terminal.
  • The Galaxy's side guns will now rotate properly.
  • The Liberator's cluster bombs will now properly damage players again.
  • Armor Piercing shotgun pellets will damage a Generator.
  • The Lasher will properly damage BFR's.
  • Mosquitos will again do proper damage against MAX armor.

Version 3.0.22? (2004-10/23)

The Auraxian Core, making notice of the BFR mayhem occurring across the surface world, is reaching out to humanity again. It feels each human death. It hears the echo of the human’s death cry from the controls of the BFR. It knows it can help.
Each Empire has received what appear to be instruction sets for a resonance crystal attuned to the Core, which provides for a more stable psionic link to BFR interfaces.
The Core instructions state that it can deliver these crystals to the surface via a series of Monolithic columns spawned on each continent. Humanity must then retrieve these crystals and deliver them to the Capitol facility on the continent in which it spawned where it can be analyzed by your Empire's scientists. A monolith will spawn approximately once every 90 minutes on a random Battle Continent (but not on a Battle Island).
The spawning of these Monoliths will consume massive amounts of bandwidth on the Warpgate Lattice Network. So when a Monolith spawns each continent will be knocked offline as all facilities and towers go neutral. So, Empires will need to take the steps to capture and secure at least the Capitol building of the continent where the crystal spawns so that the crystal can be delivered.
At the end of this event, the Core will count how many crystals each of the Empires was able to install in Capitol facilities. The Empire that has installed the most crystals will be declared the winner, and all forces of that Empire that were logged in at some time during the event will have a reduced imprinting requirement to certify in BattleFrame Robotics that lasts for two weeks.
Participating soldiers of the winning empire will only require 4 Cavern Captures before they can begin the imprinting process.
Participating soldiers of the second place empire will require 7 Cavern Captures before they can begin the imprinting process.
The Empire that comes in third will require the full 10 Cavern Captures.
If a soldier does not use his imprinting reward within two weeks, they will lose it and be required to imprint with the full 10 captures.
In the event of a tie in this event, the Core will calculate who was able to deliver the crystals the quickest and name that Empire as the winner.
The race begins at 2 PM local time for each server!
・Werner: 2PM Central European Time
・Emerald: 2PM US Eastern
・Markov: 2 PM US Pacific

これを解決するにはBFRとパイロットの間により高度なインターフェースが必要であり、そのためにはAuraxis Coreとリンクされた新しいレゾナンスクリスタルが必要である。
Auraxis Coreによって、ContinentにMonolithic Columnsというクリスタルの欠片がバラ撒かれ、それは各勢力が採取、運搬できるようにする。このモノリスは、各大陸(惑星)のカピトルに持ち帰ってそれぞれの国の研究者たちに解析してもらう必要がある。このモノリスは、約90分に一度、どこかの戦闘が行われている大陸(バトルアイランド以外)にまとめて出現するだろう。
このイベントの終了時したときに、各勢力がどれだけの数のモノリスを自軍のカピトルにインストールできたかを集計する。もっとも多くのモノリスをインストールできた勢力が勝者となり、このイベントに参加したその勢力のプレーヤーは、今後BFR Mayhemイベントが終了したときに、本来Cavernで10箇所のキャプチャが必要となるAuthorization Imprintの取得条件が4箇所に免除されることになる。同様に2位になった勢力でこのレースイベントに参加したプレーヤーは7箇所に免除される。3位の勢力には特典なし。ただし、この免除はAuthorization Imprintが必要になってから2週間の間だけの期間限定であって、それ以後はすべての勢力のすべてのキャラクターが10箇所のキャプチャを必要とするようになる。

Version 3.0.25 (2004-10/25)

  • BFR Acquisition is now fully operational! For full details on imprinting and certification requirements, >click here.
  • Decreased Galaxy Guns Cone of Fire and slightly decreased Rate of Fire.

Version 3.0.26 (2004-10/27)

  • Happy Halloween! Enjoy the Halloween art over the holiday.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause players to receive a message that the zone is full when they try and respawn in Sanctuary.
  • BFR's will no longer deconstruct on base walkways.
  • Enemy Equipment cannot be loaded from or saved to a BFR Favorite.
  • Medium Battle Tanks, Reavers, Liberators and Sunderers can no longer be purchased in the caverns.
  • BFR's can no longer enter the caverns.
  • Fixed certain crash to desktop issues.

Version 3.0.27 (2004-11/3)

  • Halloween pumpkins have been removed.
  • Cavern facility resecures will count toward BFR imprinting. Since resecures will award less experience than captures, the experience requirement for imprinting is less for a resecure. Only one resecure in a 20 minute period will count toward BFR imprinting.
    Cavern facility(今までbuildingと呼んでいたもの。いつの間にか呼び方変わったらしい。)を安全に保つこと(ハッキングを解除する事?)は、BFRのImprintにカウントされるようになった。それによって得られる経験値は少ないけれども、BFRのImprintとしてカウントされるために必要な経験値の敷居値もキャプチャに比べて低い。ただし、BFRのImprintにカウントされるのは20分に1回だけ。
  • Reduction in BFR shield regeneration designed to reduce its battlefield staying power. BFR vs. BFR balance will change with a 1 on 1 able to bust through each other's shields in 25-35 seconds (currently 40-60 seconds, depending on pilot accuracy).
  • Set BFR Batterdown time (the duration the BFR shield stays down after being reduced to 0 absorption) to 1.5 seconds for Gunner variants, 2 seconds for standard BFRs and 3 seconds for Flight variants.
    BFRのBatterdown timeがノーマルバリアントの場合は2秒、ガンナーバリアントの場合は1.5秒、フライトバリアントの場合は3秒になる。(かなり意味不明)
  • BFRs shields regenerate more slowly during their battered down period. Increased the time the BFR shield stays down once it is "beat down". This is intended to moderately reduce the BFRs ability to run away.
  • BFR shield regeneration while crouched will only be slightly reduced, to reinforce the tactic (and inherent limitations) of crouching while taking sustained fire.
  • Small reduction to BFR shield's shield total absorption.
  • Increased experience multiplier for destroying a BFR.
  • Reduced BFR explosion radius when it is destroyed.
  • Slightly reduced BFR AA Pilot weapon damage vs. air targets.
  • Reduced BFR AV weapons damage.
    BFRの対車両武器(PPA/Tank Defense Cannon/Anti Tank Machinegun)のダメージを低下させた。
  • Increased effectiveness of handheld AV weapons (Striker, Phoenix, Lancer, Decimator) against BFR's.
  • Increased the effectiveness of EMP's vs. BFR's.
  • Increased the effectiveness of the bolt driver against BFRs.
    Bolt DriverのBFRに与えるダメージを増加させた。
  • Slightly increased effectiveness of Boomers against BFRs.
  • Increased AV MAX effectiveness against BFR's.
  • Splash damage that hits a BFR shield will incur less grief.
  • Reduced Flail and Liberator AV damage against BFRs a similar percent to what the BFR shield was reduced to keep current balance.
    Flail と LiberatorのBFRに対するダメージを減少させた。
  • Slightly decreased the range of the VS Continuous Laser weapon.
  • Slightly increased the range of the NC Hammer weapon.
  • Extended the pain field to the doors of the Vanu Control Center spawn location in Core Combat, to make it harder to spawn camp. slightly reduced the effectiveness of Maelstrom grenades.
    Core Combat (Cavernの事だと思われる)のスポーンポイントのペインフィールドの有効範囲を広くした。
  • Increased base turret armor by 50%. Base turrets fire 25% slower when on automatic. Slightly increased base turret rotation speed.
    基地についているWall Turretの装甲を50%アップ(1500から2250に?)。
  • Slightly increased the range of the TR Pounder projectiles.
    TRのPounder MAXの攻撃の射程距離を少し伸ばした。
  • Released The exploration commendation, which is awarded for visiting certain areas, located on the nine original battle continents, and learning some history of the War for Auraxis.
  • Storm clouds will no longer appear stretched across the sky.

Version 3.0.29 (2004-11/5)

  • The basic BFR certification will now only give access to the AV weapon systems along with the NTU siphon and armor siphon weapons.
  • Added BFR Anti Infantry and BFR Anti Aircraft certifications at 1 cert point cost. These must be taken in order for a BFR pilot to outfit their BFR with these other weapon systems. There is no dependence on the BFR Gunner weapons; the BFR pilot can buy whatever gunner weapons he wants to outfit his battleframe with. This was to keep the gunner from having to actually have the certification to use the gun.
  • In light of the certification changes for BattleFrame Robotics, we have reset all character certifications to allow everyone to reset their character build as they desire.
    BFRは基本的にNTUサイフォン、アーマーサイフォン、AV武器の3種類しか使えないようになった。AI、AA武器を使いたい場合は、新設されたCertificationの「BFR Anti infantry」「BFR Anti Aircraft」を別途追加で取得する必要がある(それぞれコストは1ポイントづつ)。ガンナーバリアントのBFRのガンナー用の武器はコレとは関係なく、今までどおりBFRのCertだけで搭載、使用可能。
  • Slight reduction of BFR weapon systems against secondary and tertiary targets. For example, the default AV loadouts did not change in their performance against vehicle targets, but are slightly less effective against infantry, aircraft and MAXs.
  • Moderately reduced BFR shield regeneration rate, but increased the overall amount of absorption the shield will take before being beat to zero.
  • Slightly reduced BFR chassis armor absorption of damage from small arms fire, making small arms, especially AP ammo, more effective.

Version (2004-11/9)

  • Fixed an issue that required the BFR AI cert to use the TR Gunner Mortar weapon.
    TRのガンナーバリアント(Juggernaut)のガンナー用武器のMortar Launcherが「BFR Anti Infantry」Certを持っていないと使用できなくなっていたバグを修正。
  • Increased Decimator damage against BFR's.
  • Slightly reduced Decimator range.
  • Slightly increased Empire handheld AV weapon (Phoenix, Stryker, Lancer) damage against BFR's.
    Phoenix, Striker, Lancerの対BFRダメージを少し増加させた。
  • Slightly lowered BFR chassis armor absorption vs. small arms fire.
  • Adjusted BFR Flight version shield regen slightly lower and total absorption slightly higher.
  • Once BFR shields are beat down to zero they take slightly longer to come back online.
  • Increased the Fury's Hellfire projectile damage against BFRs.
  • Slightly increased Medium Battle Tank main gun damage against BFRs.
  • Moderately increased Empire Specific Assault Buggies' main guns damage against BFRs.
  • Increased EMP duration against BFRs to 20 seconds if shields are up and 30 seconds if shields are down.

Version 3.1.2 (2004-11/23)

  • Implemented the Global Warp Queuing system, which gives players information that they can use to decide whether to continue trying to enter a continent or move on to another.
    Global Warp Queuingシステムの導入。
  • Implemented Joystick Support. For a description of the Joystick UI, click here.
  • Vehicle Experience Sharing is now live, allowing unsquadded drivers and gunners to share the rewards for each kill that the vehicle crew makes. Experience gained by gunners of a vehicle will split out to the driver and other gunners of the vehicle equally, just like they were in a squad, but without the 20% squad EXP bonus. The vehicle's occupants can organize into a squad to bring in the bonus! Passengers will not receive any experience.
    「Vehicle Exp Sharing」システムの導入。同じSquadではないプレーヤーと一緒に乗物に乗ったときも、ガンナーの稼いだBEPが運転手、他のガンナーに振り分けられるようになった。パッセンジャーには振り分けられない。
  • Players will be able to unlearn Certifications that are pre-requisites for other Certs. When a player does this, that Cert and all dependent certifications will be unlearned, freeing up those certification points so they can be spent immediately. This change will give players many more options for changing their character's build over shorter periods of time.
  • When a player attempts to bail from a heavily damaged air vehicle, there will be a chance that the bail malfunctions. The chance of malfunction will not activate until a certain threshold of damage is reached. As the craft takes more damage, there will be a greater chance of malfunction. Malfunctions will affect Galaxy pilots and gunners but not passengers.
  • Passengers and Gunners will be able to bail from vehicles moving at any speed, without making the vehicle slow down. Passengers and gunners will always be able to bail from ground vehicles. Malfunctions will only occur with flight vehicles.
  • Flail damage has been changed. The flail projectile will do less damage at short ranges, and do more damage as the projectile travels further.
  • Players who destroy enemy vehicles will not accrue grief for friendlies damaged in the explosion.
  • The nanodispenser, BANK, and medical applicator will be usable when a character has weapons locked from Grief. This will allow players working their way through a Grief Lock to still contribute to their Empire through support activities.
    GP1000を達成してペナルティを受けているプレーヤーは今まではマウス左クリックで行う動作はすべて封印されていたが、BANK、Nanodispenser、Medical applicatorだけは使用できるようにした。これでペナルティを受けている状態でも仕事はできるように。
  • Fixed an issue where if the BFR servos were damaged while a BFR was crouched, it would retrigger the crouch animations.
  • Slightly tightened the CoF of the Peregrine Dual Rocket Pod Gunner weapon.
    Peregrine(NCのBFR)のガンナー用武器「Dual Rocket Pod」のCoFを少し良くした。
  • Fixed an issue that would cause BFR's to get stuck under bridges.
  • The /ignore command will properly ignore global broadcasts.
  • Players will be limited to deploying 20 Boomers at a time.
  • The Punisher will be able to fire three shots before its Cone of Fire begins to bloom.
  • Substantially increased the Sunderer's armor.

Version 3.1.5 (2004-11/29)

  • Implemented the win condition for the weekend's Run for the Guns event.
    週末の「RUN for the GUNS」イベントの結果を適用した。今後3日間に限り、イベントで1位と2位だった勢力は下位の勢力の固有武器を自国のETから自由に使うことができます。固有の乗物やMAXスーツは取り出せません。
  • Actions mapped to the mouse wheel will work reliably again.

Version 3.1.6 (2004-12/8)

  • Fixed two zone crashes related to warpgate queuing.

Version 3.2.6 (2004-12/21)

Battle Islands: Global Benefits!
December's Combat Event focuses on the Battle Islands, creating unique combat scenarios and offering benefits for locking the facilities on those continents. Check out all the details here!



  • Standard BFR's will no longer be available for purchase. The Gunner variants will be available to players after Imprinting in the caverns without requiring the Advanced BFR merit. The Gunner variants will be renamed Colossus, Aphelion and Peregrine.
    BFRのスタンダードバリアントは全面的に廃止。今までガンナーバリアントとして扱われていたものがスタンダードとなる。よって、Cavernでインプリントを取得するだけでガンナーバリアントが利用可能ということになる。名前もそれぞれのガンナーバリアントをColossus、 Aphelion、 Peregrineに変更。
  • Adjusted the armor on the Gunner variants to all be the same, equaling the current Colossus.
  • Adjusted the movement characteristics (top speed, turning radius, etc) of all Gunner variants to be the same, roughly equaling the current Colossus. Run speed is now 35 kph for all.
  • Moderately increased the effectiveness of BFR Gunner weaponry.
  • Lowered the damage absorption and regeneration rate (while moving and crouching) for the Flight BFR's.
  • Reduced the armor on all Flight BFR's.
  • Reduced damage done by BFR pilot weaponry.
  • Adjusted movement characteristics of the Flight BFR's to be roughly equal or better than the current Eclipse.
  • The Advanced BFR kill streak has been adjusted to required 15 kills.
  • Caverns Facilities will count toward BFR acquisition if they merit 450 or more Experience.

Other Updates

  • Holiday hats, gift corpses and lights on the frozen continents will be back again to celebrate the holidays.
  • The stats pane will reflect driver assisted kills, meaning that if a gunner scores a kill, the driver will also have a kill registered to their stats. Driver assisted kills will be tracked in their own section of the stats pane.
  • Bail malfunctions will now have a chance to occur when a vehicle has 35% or less armor remaining.
    乗物の装甲が35%を切るとBail malfunctionsを引き起こす可能性があるようになった。
  • Corrected a bug that could cause door IFF locks to disappear at certain Level of Detail settings.
  • Corrected a joystick slider center point default that was not being applied properly.
  • Corrected a issue that could lead to a crash to desktop when respawning.
  • Lodestars can no longer repair vehicles while they are flying.
  • Corrected a problem that could cause you to stop hacking a control console when your vehicle was attacked.
  • Removed the possibility for a gunner to take damage when bailing from colliding with the back of the vehicle.
  • Fixed invisible collision issues with removed BFR bays on Battle Island maps.
