It's Valentine's Day in Planetside, but what does that mean exactly? Here are a few things we have planned over the holiday:
Miscellaneous other changes:
Two new certifications have been introduced to continue the hacking profession. An advanced hacker must choose whether he wants to further increase his hacking potential with the REK or move to the dark side of hacking and install electronic viruses with the new T-REK. For the dedicated hacker, we have created the Electronics Expert certification which lets you have all hacking abilities at reduced cost. Here are a list of new abilities:
ハッキング系のCertificationとして新たにExpert Hacking, Data Corruption, Electronics Expert の3つが追加されました。いずれもAdvancedの上位Certとなり、
When a facility's Main Terminal is infected, the virus will immediately take effect. However, aside from noticing the effects of the virus, other empires will not be able to discern the type of virus installed, and won't be directly notified that the virus exists for a short time after installation.
Greetings Auraxians, we are pleased to announce the merger of the two North American Servers, Markov and Emerald, to form the Gemini Server. As players migrate from Markov or Emerald Servers to the Gemini Server they will each receive a Distinguished Veteran Merit which can be displayed with their existing merits.
予告の通り、Emerald, Markov両サーバーを統合した新しいワールドサーバー「Gemini」を立ち上げました。正確にはEmeraldをGeminiと改名して、Markovを吸収した形です。Markovと呼ばれたアメリカ西部のサーバーは消滅となります。
Gemini Server Merge Merits
Markov, EmeraldからGeminiサーバーに移ったプレーヤーにはそれぞれ専用のメリットコメンデーションが与えられるような、実際そんなのは与えられてないような、よくわかりません。
PlanetSide would like to recognize the Veterans of the Auraxian War who have dedicated 5 years of service to their empire with the following tokens of gratitude.
5 Year Veterans will receive
All Soldiers will receive a free certification reset courtesy of your friends on the Auraxian Counsel.
作成から5年が経過したプレーヤーには5年褒章として専用のメリットコメンデーションが与えられ、また、CertなしでReinforced ExoSuitを使用できるようになります。
Terran Republic Max Changes
Population Incentives Changes
Greetings Auraxians! We are very pleased to announce the long awaited Weapons Balance Pass, with this update you'll find some exciting changes to your favorite weapons and maybe a few to your least favorite weapons. In this update you'll notice right away that the Lasher has gone through a major overhaul, with their new Armor Piercing fire mode and increased Orb speed the Vanu Sovereignty will be ready for battle in any situation. Fans of the Sweeper Shotgun will also enjoy the increased clip size of this weapon which brings a little more power to all Empires. Additional changes have been outlined below!
Thank you and we'll see you on the Battle Field!