5 映画で見つけた we'll see

課題: 映画で "we shall see" と
"we'll see" の語感と意味を調べる
Task: Examine the expression sense and meaning of
"we shall see" and "we'll see" in conversation
through movies

this news Google TED Talk Seleaf
interview topics speech conversation
monologue dialogue
news paper web page video movie
technical various professional entertainment

we (shall) see

we'll see

場面 context

  • 迷犬ラッシーと仲良くなりたいと思った
    • want to get along with Lassie, a wandering dog
  • 独り言(飼い犬との会話)
    • think aloud: conversation with his dog
  • そうだ! いいことを思いついた」のような意味
    • Meaning like "Yes! I came up with a good thing"

考察 Discution

  • 1 件しかないので 何とも言えないが
    • can't say anything because there is only one
  • 場面から 意味が取れる
    • Make sense from the scene
  • 意味は場面とともにある
    • Meaning is with the scene
  • 意味は場面の中から生まれる
    • Meaning comes from the scene

課題: TEDで "we shall see" と
"we'll see" の語感と意味を調べる
Task: Examine the expression sense and meaning of
"we shall see" and "we'll see" in conversation
through TED Talks

From now on
Let's try
at workshop
do it yourself


 We shall see the results in two minutes later
 Pay attention to the meaning of the scene

Workshop Planning

from class textbook
focus on "we shall see"
1 外交交渉での we shall see trade negotiation
2 ググってみよう we shall see web pages
3 TED で見つける we shall see TED Talks
4 講演で使われる we shall see presentation
5 映画で見つけた we'll see movies
6 we'll see に通じる we shall see TED Talks
7 発声練習で身に着ける we shall see speaking exercise
8 通じない理由がわかる音声添削 why can't communicate?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

2020.9.13(SAT) 14:15〜14:35 第4発表
ATEM 東日本支部2020年度秋季例会@オンライン

Proposal of online lesson to reduce preparation and increase learning motivation