課題: Google や Yahoo で |
"we shall see" の話題や疑問を調べる |
Task: Examine topics and questions of |
"we shall see" on Google, Yahoo or... |
Why Internet search?
- よくある話題や質問を知ることができる
- Get to know common topics and questions
- 視野を広げることができる
- Can widen the field of view
- 全体像を知ることができる
- You can see the Overall picture
extract the points
- 会話でよく耳にする
- I often hear in conversation
- we shall see と we'll see は区別があるのか?
- Is there a distinction between we shall see and we'll see?
- 場面で広い意味を持つようだ?
- Seems to have a broad meaning in the scene?
- Yes, Noどちらも答えたくない時によく使われる」との意見が目立つ
- It is often used when you do not want to answer both Yes and No."
- 考えておきます
- 何とも言えない
- 見るでしょう
- 事の成り行きを見よう
- あせらずに ゆっくり
- 様子を見よう
- we shall see と we'll see は区別はないとの説もある?
- Some say that we shall see and we'll see are not distinct?
課題: "we shall see" と "we'll see" は |
どう違うか? 違わないか? |
Task: Is there a diference between |
"we shall see" and "we'll see"? |
| from class textbook |
| focus on "we shall see" |
| |
1 外交交渉での we shall see | trade negotiation |
| |
2 ググってみよう we shall see | web pages |
| |
3 TED で見つける we shall see | TED Talks |
4 講演で使われる we shall see | presentation |
5 映画で見つけた we'll see | movies |
6 we'll see に通じる we shall see | TED Talks |
| |
7 発声練習で身に着ける we shall see | speaking exercise |
8 通じない理由がわかる音声添削 | why can't communicate? |
2020.9.13(SAT) 14:15〜14:35 第4発表
ATEM 東日本支部2020年度秋季例会@オンライン
Proposal of online lesson to reduce preparation and increase learning motivation