Stargazer by

Just found your stargazer remake wich is a master piece.
Keep up the great work!!!
And i would like to give it english language.
For now i have hacked the exe and found the hardcoded string through a hex editor.
But it is not a very clean work so i would like to know if you project to localize it in future, if so i would be happy to help in this task.(by giving time and help)
Else do you see any inconvenient to have a hacked Stargazer to give english to this great game?
Well let me know...
Don't see anything impolite here i truly respect all the work you have put in you game.

Sorry to write here in english but i don't master japaneese language.
I live in france so my english is not perfect too.


  by Rxo
Hello, こんにちわ。

I am a Japanese, so, Stargazer is specialized in Japanese letter 'Hiragana' and 'Katakana', and it's has original coding.
And since I made it ten years ago, (I was a college student. ) Now I forget many things.
Moreover, since it became a responsible status also socially, it is obliged to reduction of activity time.
Therefore, I think that English translation of Stargazer is difficult....

2013 04/11(Thu) 22:51 [1604] 



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*味なメッセージ (タグは使えんよ。)
