FIRST POLICEMAN: | May we see your papers? |
| 旅券を見せろ |
CIVILIAN: | I don't think I have them on me. |
| 持ち歩いていないよ |
FIRST POLICEMAN: | In that case, we'll have to ask you to come along. |
| じゃぁ連行するぞ |
CIVILIAN: | Wait. It's just possible that I... |
| いや、持ってたかな? |
| Yes, here we are. |
| ほら これ |
SECOND POLICEMAN: | These papers expired three weeks ago. |
| とっくに無効だぞ |
| You'll have to come along. |
| いっしょに来るんだ! |
| man in white suit runs pass a young couple - they look up to see commotion |
| two policemen chase after him - man in white keeps going and starts to round a corner - one policeman crouches down to take aim with pistol |
| 逃げる男を 若い男女が見つめる |
| 追跡している警官が 銃を構える |
| 止まれ! |
| A shot RINGS out - man arches his back slightly and falls to the ground in front of a large painted poster of Marshal Petain |
| two policemen run over to fallen man - they bend down to him |
| 撃たれた男が のけぞって倒れこむ |
| 警官が 駆け寄ってかがみこむ |