Chinese Converter
(The latest version 5.23, 4/Nov/2009)
Windows 95/98/Me, Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista
This software performs code conversion of Chinese characters, including GB2312/GBK and BIG5.
It also supports some encodings of Chinese character code which are used widely in Japan, such as Chinese Writer, cWnn, Nihao, Zhongwen Qigao, CX, Zhuojue, TechnoMate.
Chinese Converter is free to use.
To install this program, extract all files from the ZIP archive and run setup.exe.
Go to "Documents on API of Chnconv.dll"
Go to "Source files of Chinese Converter"
Documents on API of Chnconv.dll
(Version 5.23, 4/Nov/2009)
You may download documents on API of Chnconv.dll here.
For more information, please read readme.txt in the archive.
Go to "Chinese Converter"
Go to "Source files of Chinese Converter"
Source files of Chinese Converter
(Version 5.23, 4/Nov/2009)
You may download all source files of Chinese Converter.
All files are written in C++, with Japanese comment, Shift-JIS.
For more information, please read readme-e.txt in the archive.
Go to "Chinese Converter"
Go to "Documents on API of Chnconv.dll"