
〜キャラ単 ガンダムSEED〜

2005年夏にメガハウスから発売された「キャラ単『ガンダムSEED』『ガンダムSEED DESTINY』」、
そのカードで取り上げられているセリフが、米国のBandai Entertainmentから発売されている北米版DVDでは
※特に北米版のディアッカの喋り(#027) が聴き取りにくいのですよー! あとカガリさんの興奮した声(#025)。

キャラクター名 S D P オリジナルのセリフ 北米版のセリフ 北米版の字幕
001 カガリ x - 01B 何だと思ってたんだ、今まで! Year, what do you think I was? Let's hear it! What were you thinking all this time?
002 キラ x - 02A 無茶苦茶だ!こんなOSでこれだけの機体を動かそうなんて! This is ridiculous! How can they expect to run a complex machine with this kind of OS? This is nuts! How do they expect to move complex machinery using this kind of OS?
003 クルーゼ x - 02B 私がお前を感じるように、お前も私を感じるのか。不幸な宿縁だな、ムウ・ラ・フラガ。 Tell me, do you feel my presence? Do you sense in the same way as I sense yours? An unfortunate fate, wouldn't you say, Mu La Flaga? Do you sense me, the way that I sense you? Some unlucky karma, don't you think, Mu La Flaga?
004 ラミアス x - 02B 申し訳ないけど、あなた達をこのまま解散させるわけにはいかなくなりました。 It is my unfortunate duty to inform you, people. But I cannot permit any of you to leave. I hate to say this, but I cannot allow you to leave.
005 キラ x - 03B お断りします!僕達をもうこれ以上、戦争になんか巻き込まないで下さい! I'm not gonna do it! Please don't get us anymore involve in this war than you already have! I will not do it! Please don't involve us any further in this war than you already have!
006 アスラン x - 03B お前こそ…どうしてそんなものに乗っている? You should talk! What do you think you are doing in that thing?! That's what I wanna know! What are you doing in that thing?
007 アスラン x - 04B その時は…私が討ちます… If that should happen I'll shoot him down myself. If that should happen...I'll shoot him myself.
008 ニコル x - 05B アスラン、あなたらしくないとは僕も思います、でも… Athrun. I can't help but think that this isn't like you. So if you... Athurun. I also feel that this isn't like you. However...
009 ラクス x - 08A あらあら?まあーこれはザフトの船ではありませんのね? Huh? Huh? My, it's pretty clear this isn't a ZAFT ship, is it? Huh? Huh? Huh? Oh, my. This is ot a ZAFT ship, is it?
010 ラクス x - 08B では問題です。私達はどこに向かっているのでしょうか? Here's a question for you. Can you tell me where are we presently heading to, Halo? Well? Here's a question. Where are we currently headed?
011 フレイ x - 09B この子を殺すわ!パパの船を撃ったら!この子を殺すって!あいつらに言って!そう言って! I promise I'll kill this girl! If they keep firing at my dad's ship, I promise I'll kill this girl! Tell them that! Go ahead! I'll kill this girl! If they fire at my papa's ship, I'll kill this girl! Tell them that! Tell them!
012 アスラン x - 10B キラ!おまえも一緒に来い!おまえが地球軍にいる理由がどこにある? Kira, you come along with us, too. There isn't any reason why you should remain with the Earth Forces! Kira! You come, too! There's no reason why you should remain with the Earth Forces!
013 ニコル x - 11B もともとそちらのものでしたっけねえ、弱点もよく御存じだ! That's right! This machine once belong to you. Of course you know its weaknesses. That's right! This used to be yours! No wonder you know its weak points!
014 ラクス x - 12O 何と戦わねばならないのか…戦争は難しいですわね。 What is it one should be fighting against? War makes that question very difficult. What is it that one should be fighting against? War is very difficult.
015 イザーク x - 13A 出て来い!ストライク!でないと…でないと傷が疼くだろうが〜! Come on, show yourself, Strike! Or else, or else this pain I feel will never go away! Come out, Strike! Otherwise... Otherwise, this pain won't go away!
016 ディアッカ x - 17A 俺たちに駐留軍と一緒に足付き探しで地べたを這いずり回れって言うのかよ? He wants us to stick with the occupation forces, crawl around with them on the ground to search for the legged ship? He wants us to crawl around on the ground together with the occupation forces searching for the legged ship?
017 キラ x - 18B 気持ちだけでいったい何が守れるっていうんだ! What the hell can you protect when you're fury with the only weapons you've got! What the hell can you protect with just your feelings?
018 バルトフェルド x - 19A あいや待った!ちょっと待った!ケバブにチリソースなんて何を言ってるんだ!このヨーグルトソースをかけるのが常識だろうが! Hold it, right there! Wait just a moment! How could you stoop to put chilli sauce on your kabab? Now this yogurt souce, that's the proper thing to add such a dish. Stop, right there! Wait one moment. How could you add chilli sauce to your kabab? The proper thing to do is to add some of this yogurt sauce!
019 バルトフェルド x - 21B 戦うしかなかろう!互いに敵である限り!どちらかが滅びるまでな! There's no other way. I'm not giving up. Until one of us is destroyed! There's no choice but to fight. As long as we're enemies! Until one of us is destroyed!
020 カガリ x - 24B なら撃てよ…!その引き金をひいているのは俺だ。 Fine, then shoot. Because I'll be the one pulling the trigger. Then shoot me. I'm the one responsible for pulling the trigger on that mobile suit.
021 カガリ x - 25A 父を、ウズミ・ナラ・アスハを出せ!私は…私はカガリ・ユラ・アスハだ! Call my father...Call Uzumi Nara Athha! My name... My name is Cagalli Yula Athha!" Get my father...Uzumi Nara Athha on the line! I am...I am Cagalli Yula Athha!
022 キラ x - 28B 昔…友達に…大事な友達に…もらった…大事なものなんだ… An old friend gave it to me. It's a very valuable gift, from my valuable friend. A friend gave it to me! It's a very precious thing...
023 ニコル x - 29A 戦わなきゃいけないな、僕も…って思ったんです。ユニウスセヴンのニュースを見て。 I guess I felt like I should I do my part and join the fight after I heard about Junius Seven. I felt that I, too, should be fighting. I felt that when I saw the news about Junius Seven.
024 イザーク x - 31A あの二人がそう簡単にやられるか!伊達に赤を着ているわけじゃないんだぞ! They couldn't have gotten both of them that easily! We don't wear this red uniform for nothing, you know! There's no way that those two would be defeated so easily! They're not wearing this red uniform for nothing, you know!
025 カガリ x - 31B 殺したから殺されて…殺したから殺されて…それでホントは最後は平和になるのかよッ!! Someone is killed for killing another. Then that guy is killed for killing him. How is that kind of to hit it thinking ever gonna forget peace?! One kills because another is killed! Then gets killed because he kills! How the hell is that going to bring us peace?
026 フレイ x - 32B コーディネーターなんかみんな死んじゃえばいいのよ! All you Coordinators deserve to be killed! Coordinators...all deserve to die!
027 ディアッカ x - 33B どうしたんだよ、殺しに来たんならやればいいだろ。 What's the matter? Fighter will get to if you came to kill me. What's the matter? If you came to kill me, then do it.
028 イザーク x - 34O 今度は俺が部下にしてやる。それまで死ぬんじゃないぞ。 Next time, I'll be the one in charge. Don't get killed until then, okay? Next time, you'll serve under me! Don't get killed before then!
029 ラクス x - 34B 想いだけでも、力だけでも、駄目なのです。だから! Neither will alone...nor strength alone... will be enough. That's why. Neither will alone...nor strength alone... will be enough. That's why.
030 キラ x - 36A そうですけど、僕はザフトではありません…そしてもう、地球軍でもないです…(カードは35話と記載) I was with them. But I haven't become a ZAFT soldier. However, I'm not with the Earth Forces now either. Yes, but I'm not a ZAFT soldier. And I'm no longer with the Earth Forces either.
031 ラクス x - 36B アスランが信じて戦うものはなんですか?いただいた勲章ですか?お父様の命令ですか? What is it you believe in? What is you're fighting for now? Is it for the medal you received? Or your father's orders? What is it that you believe in and fight for? Is it the medal you received? Your father's orders?
032 ラミアス x - 38B わ、私はモビルアーマー乗りは…嫌いです… You ought to know I really can't stand mobile armor pilots. Y-You know i'm not too fond of mobile armor pilots.
033 キラ x - 40B 一緒に行こうアスラン。皆で一緒に探せばいいよ、それもさ。 You should come with us, Athrun. We'll look for the answer to your question. Together. Come with us, Athrun. We'll search for the answer. Together.
034 ウズミ x - 40B 種は飛んだ。これで良い。オーブも世界も奴らのいい様にはさせん! The seeds have flown. We've succeeded. We can't leave Orb or this world in the hands of those bastards. The seeds have flown. We've succeeded. We won't let Orb and this world fall into the hands of those bastards!
035 バルトフェルド x - 42B よう、はじめまして!ようこそ歌姫の船へ。アンドリュー・バルトフェルドだ。 Hey! Nice to meet you! Welcome to the ship of the songstress. I'm Andrew Waltfeld, kid. Hey! Nice to meet you! Welcome to the ship of the songstress. I'm Andrew Waltfeld.
036 ラクス x - 42B 父が、死にました… My father...he ie dead, Kira. My father died.
037 バジルール x - 45B ここは戦場です!失敗は死を意味します。 But this is a battlefield. Failure in this world means death. But this is a battlefield. Failure means death.
038 ディアッカ x - 45B わからねぇけど…俺は行く! There is nothing left to say. I am going. I don't kow for sure, but I'm going.
039 クルーゼ x - 45A 君は人類の夢、最高のコーディネーター。 You are the dream of humanity. The Ultimate Coordinator. You are the dream of humanity. The Ultimate Coordinator.
040 フレイ x - 46A 鍵を持ってるわ、私。戦争を終わらせるための鍵! I...I have something with me! A key! The key that's supposed to end this war! I-I have with me... a key! A key that's supposed to end this war.
041 キラ x - 46B 僕が傷つけた…僕が守ってあげなくちゃならない人なんだ…! She's someone I hurt! I...I have to protect her. She's someone that I hurt! She's someone that I must protect!
042 ラクス x - 46B 泣いていいのですよ…だから人は泣けるのですから… You know, it's okay to cry. You should cry, while we are still able to. It's okay to cry. We can cry... because we're able to.
043 アスラン x - 46B みんなが…泣いてるみたいだな。 It seems like everybody's crying. It seems like everybody's crying.
044 クロト x - 47B 滅殺!!!(47話のセリフは「抹殺!!!」) Exterminate! Attack!
045 イザーク x - 47B あのミサイルを落とせーッ!プラントをやらせるなァーッ! We have to take off those missiles! Don't let them hit the PLANTs! Shoot down the missiles! Don't let them get any closer to the PLANTs!
046 ラクス x - 47B 地球軍は直ちに攻撃を中止してください。あなた方は何を撃とうとしているのか、本当にお分かりですか! Soldiers of the Earth Forces! Please cease fire at once! Are you truly aware of the consequences of what you're about to do? Soldiers of the Earth Forces! Stop your attack at once! Are you really aware of the consequences of what you're about to do?
047 エザリア x - 48B あなたの仕事は戦後のほうが多くなるのよ。(カードはセリフが少し違います) After the war, you will have plenty of responsibilities waiting. After this war, you will be very busy with duties and responsibility.
048 ラクス x - 48B 帰ってきてくださいね…私の元へ… Please come back, okay? Come back to me. Please come back, okay? To me.
049 アスラン x - 48B カガリに会えて良かった。君は俺が守る。 I'm pretty lucky to have met you. You and I can protect each other. I'm lucky to have met you. I'll protect you.
050 バジルール x - 49A バリアント 撃て!!(49話のセリフは「ゴットフリート照準!撃て!」) Aim Gottfieds! FIRE!! Aim Gottfieds! FIRE!!
051 ムウ x - 49B へへっ…やっぱ俺って、不可能を可能に(する男だって)… Ha-ha! Didn't I tell you I can make the impossible possible! I seem to have a knack for making the impossible possible...!
052 クルーゼ x - 50A 知れば誰もが望むだろう。君のようになりたいと、君のようでありたいと。 If people learnt your existence, they will want to be just as you are! They will want to become like you! If people hear of you, everyone will want to become like you! Because they want to be like you.
053 クルーゼ x - 50A 君の歌は好きだったがね、だが、世界は歌のように優しくはない! It's a shame, really. I did enjoy your songs. But the real world isn't this kind as though what in pop songs. It's a shame. I did enjoy listening to your songs. But the real world isn't kind, like some song!
054 フレイ x - 50A 守るから…私の本当の想いがあなたを守るから… I'll protect you now. My true feelings will protect you. I'll protect you. My true feelings will protect you.
055 カガリ x - 50B 逃げるな!!生きるほうが戦いだ!! Stop running! The heart with battle is a keep living. Stop running away! It's more of a battle to continue living!
056 キラ x - 50E 僕たちは…どうして…こんな所へ来てしまったんだろう… Where are we? What will happen? Now that we've come thorough to this time and space. Why have we...come to...a place like this?
057 アスラン - x 01 オリジナルセリフ 北米版のセリフ 米語版の字幕
058 シン - x 01 オリジナルセリフ 北米版のセリフ 米語版の字幕
059 ネオ - x 02 オリジナルセリフ 北米版のセリフ 米語版の字幕
060 ギルバート - x 03 オリジナルセリフ 北米版のセリフ 米語版の字幕
061 シン - x 03 オリジナルセリフ 北米版のセリフ 米語版の字幕
062 レイ - x 04 オリジナルセリフ 北米版のセリフ 米語版の字幕
063 ネオ - x 04 オリジナルセリフ 北米版のセリフ 米語版の字幕
064 ルナマリア - x 04 オリジナルセリフ 北米版のセリフ 米語版の字幕
065 レイ - x 05 オリジナルセリフ 北米版のセリフ 米語版の字幕
066 ディアッカ - x 06 オリジナルセリフ 北米版のセリフ 米語版の字幕
067 イザーク - x 06 オリジナルセリフ 北米版のセリフ 米語版の字幕
068 タリア - x 06 オリジナルセリフ 北米版のセリフ 米語版の字幕
069 アスラン - x 07 オリジナルセリフ 北米版のセリフ 米語版の字幕
070 アスラン - x 07 オリジナルセリフ 北米版のセリフ 米語版の字幕
071 ラクス - x 07 オリジナルセリフ 北米版のセリフ 米語版の字幕
072 アスラン - x 08 オリジナルセリフ 北米版のセリフ 米語版の字幕
073 カガリ - x 08 オリジナルセリフ 北米版のセリフ 米語版の字幕
074 キラ - x 08 オリジナルセリフ 北米版のセリフ 米語版の字幕
075 ミーア - x 10 オリジナルセリフ 北米版のセリフ 米語版の字幕
076 メイリン - x 12 オリジナルセリフ 北米版のセリフ 米語版の字幕
077 ラミアス - x 13 オリジナルセリフ 北米版のセリフ 米語版の字幕
078 キラ - x 13 オリジナルセリフ 北米版のセリフ 米語版の字幕
079 キラ - x 15 オリジナルセリフ 北米版のセリフ 米語版の字幕
080 ルナマリア - x 15 オリジナルセリフ 北米版のセリフ 米語版の字幕
081 ステラ - x 15 オリジナルセリフ 北米版のセリフ 米語版の字幕
