
Listen and Read VOA Special English

VOA Special English のページでは英語を学ぶ人の為に使用する単語の数を少なくし、読み上げる速度を遅くした番組を放送しています。ここにはごくわずかしか紹介していませんが もっと勉強したい方は VOA のサイトへ行ってください。(直接VOAのサイトをアクセスする時のヒントはこちら


Here are some of the stories from the VOA Special English web site. Click on any title below and enjoy reading the article while listening to the audio.
Click on Printer to go directly to the printer friendly version.

American Mosaic
Printer 2007-11-22 Green Day has Redefined Punk-rock Music for a Wider Group of Listeners 
Printer 2007-11-29 Smith, Say Hi to Garcia: Two Hispanic Names Now in Top 10 in US 
Printer 2007-12-06 A Museum in Pittsburgh Gives Its Dinosaurs a Timely Makeover 
Printer 2007-12-13 A First for Girls in This Year's Siemens Math and Science Competition 
Printer 2008-03-20 The Washington Crafts Show Brings Together Artists Using Many Different Materials 
Printer 2008-03-27 Wyclef Jean Mixes Hip-Hop, Reggae and World Music in New 'Carnival' New
Christmas Special
Printer 2007-12-24 Christmas With the Mormon Tabernacle Choir New
Making of a Nation
Printer Making-180 Election of 1932: A Long Conservative Period in American Politics Ends 
Printer Making-181 1933: An Angry Nation Puts Its Hopes in President Roosevelt 
Printer Making-182 1933: President Roosevelt's First 100 Days Give People Hope Next Reading (January 14, 2008) 
Printer Making-183 'We Have Only Just Begun to Fight': Roosevelt's Campaign of 1936 Next Reading (January 14, 2008)
Printer Making-184 Roosevelt Aims for Economic Security With 'Second New Deal' 
Printer Making-185 From Great Depression's Depths, Creativity Reached New Heights 

VOA の許可を頂いて VOA Special English のページから再掲しています。(The materials used in the following pages were originally created by the VOA Special English. The materials are reused here with the permission of the VOA Special English with gratitude by the author of this page.)