Legend / Henry Cow

East Side Digital ESD 8048

Recorded on May to June 1973.

Geoff Leigh (saxes,fl,cl,recorder,voice)
Tim Hodgkinson (org,pf,as,cl,voice)
Fred Frith (g,vlnviola,pf,voice)
John Greaves (b,pf,whitsle,voice)
Chris Cutler (ds,toys,pf,whitsle,voice)

01. Nirvana For Mice (Fred Frith)
02. Amygdala (Tim Hodgkinson)
03. Teenbeat Introduction (Henry Cow)
04. Teenbeat (Fred Frith/John Greaves)
05. Nirvana Reprise (Fred Frith)
06. Extract From "With the Yellow Half-Moon and Blue Star" (Fred Frith)
07. Teenbeat Reprise (Fred Frith)
08. The Tenth Chaffinch (Henry Cow)
09. Nine Funerals Of The Citizen King (Tim Hodgkinson)
