The Heritage of John Philip Sousa Vol. 5
ジョン フィリップ ス-ザ の 遺産
アメリカ 合衆国 海兵隊 軍楽隊
The President's Own
The United States Marine Band
英語による16ペ-ジ の 解説書付
CD 2枚組


曲 目

Vol. 5
Record 1
01. On ParadeMarch (2:30)
02. The Salvation ArmyMarch (3:11)
03. Songs of Grace and Songs of GloryFantasy (12:59)
Nobels of Mystic ShrineMarch (3:16)
The DirectorateMarch (2:28)
The Bride ElectSextet from the Operetta (2:02)
We Are ComingMarch (213)
08. The Chariot Race
Descriptive Piece (4:55)
09. The Honored Dead
March (2:13)
10. Silver Spray Schottische
11. King Cotton
March (2:43)
Record 2
01. The Loyal LegionMarch (2:38)
02-04. Cubaland
02. Under the Spanish Flag (3:14)

03. Under the American Flag (4:23)
04. Under the Cuban Flag (4:54)
The White PlumeMarch (1:36
The Pride of the WolverinesMarch (3:41)
07. The Colonial Dames Waltzes (6:10)
08. Power and GloryMarch (3:03)
Myrrha Gavotte (3:45)
10. Congress Hall
March (2:11)
11. I've Made My Plans for the SummerSong (1:53)
12. Yorktown CentennialMarch (2:40)

\2,700- (2-CD-Set)