Karl King's Greatest Hits
カ-ル キング ヒット 曲集
The United States Armed Forces Bicentennial Band, The U.S. Air Force Band, The U.S. Air Force
Tactical Air Command Band, etc.


曲 目
01. Barnum & Bailey's Favorite The United States Heritage
   of America Band
02. Military Life The U.S Armed Forces Bicentennial Band
03. Voice of America The Air Combat Command Heritage of America
04. Hosts of Freedom The U.S. Air Force Band of the Rockies
05. Cyrus the Great The U.S. Air Force Band
06. Neddermeyer Triumphal The U.S. Armed Forces Bicentennial Band
07. Invictus The U.S. Air Force Band
08. T. M. B. (Thayer Military Band) The U.S. Armed Forces
   Bicentennial Band
09. Aces of the Air The U.S. Air Force Tactical Air Command Band
10. The Premier The U.S. Armed Forces Bicentennial Band
11. The Big Cage The Air Combat Command Heritage of America Band
12. Greater Canton The U.S. Armed Forces Bicentennial Band
13. Royal Scotch Highlanders The Air Combat Command Heritage
   of America Band
14. Eternal Youth The U.S Armed Forces Bicentennial Band
15. Sarasota The Air Combat Command Heritage of America Band
16. Emblem of Freedom The U.S. Air Force Tactical Air Command Band
17. The Flying Squadron The U.S Armed Forces Bicentennial Band
18. New Frontiers The Air Combat Command Heritage of America Band
19. The Chancellor The U.S Armed Forces Bicentennial Band
20. The Melody Shop The U.S Armed Forces Bicentennial Band
