Barnum & Bailey's Favorite
The Music of Karl L. King
カ-ル キング の 音楽
ヴァ-ジニア グランド ミリタリ- バンド
The Virginia Grand Military Band
Conducted by Loras J. Schissel


曲 目
01. Barnum & Bailey's Favorite
02. Purple Pageant March
03. Auld Lang Syne
04. In Old Portugal (Waltz)
05. Tiger Triumph
06. Ponderoso March
07. Hosts of Freedom March
08. A Night in June (Serenade)
09. Cle Elum Eagles
10. Trombone King March
11. Sells- Flote Triumphal
12. Broadway One-Step
13. Aviation Tournament March
14. Iowa Band Law March
15. Sampson March
16. Princess of India (Overture)
17. Circus Days
18. Neddermeyer Triumphal
19. Caravan Club March
20. Silver Fountain (Waltz)
21. Melody Shop March
22. Gateway City March
23. Kentucky Sunrise (Two-Steps)
24. Robinson's Grand Entree
