Falkland Sound フォ-クランド の 響き |
曲 目 |
01. Corporate Fanfare (3:34) 02. William Tell Overture (11:49) 03. High on a Hill Bugle Feature (2:59) 04. Commando General (JJ) Quick March (3:32) 05. Fitzroy Drum Static (1:25) 06. Sailing Slow March (2:10) 07. San Carlos Quick March (4:12) 08. A Time for Love Trombone Solo (4:43) 09. Europa Latin Jazz (5:18) 10. Winds of Power Symphonic (10:30) 11. Hymn to the Fallen Hymn (6:59) 12. Last Post Remembrance (1:42) 13. Reveille Ceremonial (0:42) 14. Rule Britannia Patriotic (1:39) 15. Pomp and Circumstance March No.1 March (6:56) 16. Regimental Marsch Medley Regimental (4:24) 17. Hootenanny Encore (5:30) Total Running Time: 76:30 |
価格:¥2,500- |