Aldershot Searchlight Tattoo Recordings 19261939
Recorded Live in Rushmoor Arena
オ-ルダ-ショット サ-チライト タットゥ-
実況 録音
イギリス軍 オ-ルダ-ショット 司令部 合同 軍楽隊、 他

イギリス軍 の 広大な 訓練 基地 が ある
  ハンプシャ-州 の 都市

78 回転 SP の 復刻盤 CD 全 6枚
全編 臨場感 に 溢れ 演奏、内容 & 音質、全て 申し分 なく 当時 の
イギリス 吹奏楽
を 充分 堪能 出来る 最高峰 の コレクション !

 (UKALD-6) (6 CD's)
曲 目

UKALD6 The Colours
Aldershot Searchlight Tattoo Recordings 1926 ~1928

01. Les Clarion Anglais (Parkes)
02. Selection: Aida (Verdi)
03. The Back of Bennachie, Miss Drummond of Perth, Reel o' Tulloch,
  The Road to the Isles

04. The Colours (Stanley), Valencia (Padilla)
05. The Day Thou Gavest Lord is Ended, Last Post, God Save The King
06. Selection: Carmen (Bizet)
07. La Benediction des Poignards from Les Huguenots (Meyerbeer)
08. Ballet Music: Faust (Gounod)
09. The 79th's Farewell to Gibraltar, The De'il in the Kitchen, The De'il
  among the Tailors

10. The Wee Man at the Loom, Hot Punch, My Home
11. Turnstiles; Officer of the Day (Hall); Crusaders Scene: 'Parsifal'
  (Wagner); Caber Feidh
12. Pack Up Your Troubles; Anti-Aircraft Defence; The British Grenad
  -iers; The King; Waldmere 
                   (Duration: Approx. 64 mins)

UKALD7 Chivalry
Aldershot Searchlight Tattoo Recordings 1929 ~1932

01. Turnstiles; Retreat; El Abanico (Javaloyes); Les Huguenots (Meyer
  -beer) Period 1800: Drums & Fifes: Retreat March, Joan's Plackett
  is Torn,
02. Chivalry- Return of Crusaders: Bells, Angel Chorus (Gounod), Bugle
  Call and Cheering, Merrymakers Dance 
(German); Te Deum (Barnby)
03. Highland Episode 1314: Blue Bonnets o'er the Border; 1815 - The
  Duchess of Richmond's Ball: Minuet in A flat 
  The Battle of Waterloo: Battle Scene; The British Grenadiers
04. 1914: Tipperary; Firing and Battle Music; Aeroplanes, Big Ben,
  The King's Message, God Save the King

05. Bugle Fanfare; Gommecourt (Winter); Parade March (Möllendorf),
  Bab el Mandeb 
(Ord Hume)
06. Massed Mounted Bands: Trumpet Fanfare, Old Cavalry March,
  Moneymusk, Anonymous; Origins of the Coldsream Guards: Fife
  March, Passing By
 (Purcell), The Tune for Motion; Glendaruel High
(Fettes), Because He Was a Bonnie Lad (Paton)
07. Queen Elizabeth's Visit to Tilbury: Music, Speech, Music; Light of
 (Latann); O Valiant Hearts (Arkwright)
08. Abide with Me, Last Post, Fanfare, God Save the King, Three Cheers,
  Auld Lang Syne
09. Retreat; Beating Tattoo Risings: Leonora (Burdett); Fanfare; High
  -land Brigade at Tel El Kebir 
(P/M Cameron); Bond of Frienship
  (Rogan); Modern Battle; Just a Song at Twilight
10. Largo (Handel)
11. Club Swinging Display: Bathing in the Sunshine (Nicholls);
  The Hampshire; Abide with Me, National Anthem, Three Cheers

12. Medley of War Tunes: Here We are Again, Pack up your Troubles,
  Madamoiselle from Armentieres, Tipperary, soldiers of the Queen

13. Arrival of HM The Queen: National Anthem; Here to the Maiden;
  Retreat; Jolly Good Company; Fanfare, Fare Thee Well Inniskilling

  (arr. Richardson)
14. Land of My Fathers, Sweet Polly Oliver, Marche Militaire (Schubert)
15. Air from Berenice (Handel /arr. Stopford)
16. Blaze Away (Holzmann)
17. Marching Thro' Georgia (arr. Miller)
18. Aldershot (Clark); Piobaireachd 'Urlar of Clan Chattans Gathering',
  Scotland the Brave, Kate Dalrymple, The Wind that Shakes the
  Barley; Battle of Inkerman - The Roll Call: Andante Cantabile
  from Fith Symphony 
19. National Emblem (Bagley), Recessional (Kipling), Reveille, Three

20. On the Quarter Deck (Alford)
                   (Duration: Approx. 79 mins)

UKALD8 Pageantry
Aldershot Searchlight Tattoo Recordings 1933

01. Drum Beating; Retreat; Marching Along Together (Steininger, Pola
  & Hylton); Bonawe Highlanders (Bowman), Royal Salute: Scotland
  the Brave

02. The Borders, Newhall Castle, Caledonian Canal (Maclachlan) , Struy
(Ross), Pibroch o' Donald Dubh
03. Skye Gathering, The Portree Men (MacKenzie), Clachnacuddin, Piper
  o' Drummond, The March of the Cameron Men

04. General Parade, Joyous Trumpeter (Allier); Death of Gordon: Fune
  -ral March from Othello 
(Coleridge-Taylor); Battle of Omdurmann
05. Le Grenadier du Caucase (Meister)
06. Adagio from Sonata in C Minor Op 3 (Pathetique) (Beethoven)
07. The Aldershot Tattoo March (James)
08. Soldiers in the Park (Monckton); Henry V at Agincourt: Speech;
  Excerpts from Sigurd Jorslfar
 (Grieg) and Caverleria Rusticana
09. Officer of the Day (Hall)
10. Le Reve Passe (Krier & Helmer); Abide with Me, God Save the King,
  Three Cheers

11. Sons of the Brave (Bidgood)
12. Colonel Bogey (Alford)
13. Entry of the Gladiators (Fucik)
14. El Abanico (Javeloyes)
15. Les Huguenots (Meyerbeer)
16. Le Regiment de Sambre et Meuse (Planquette /arr. Rauski)
                  (Duration: Approx. 57 mins)

UKALD9 Martial Moments
Aldershot Searchlight Tattoo Recordings 1934~1936 
(Part 1)
01. Community Singing: Daisy, Daisy; Loch Lomond; My Bonnie; Trum
  -pet Fanfares; Bugle Calls; Orderly Sergeants, Orders, Cookhouse;
  Massed Drums 
02. Cempra (Godden)
03. Live, Love and Laugh, Let's All Sing Like the Birdies Sing, She was
  a Dear Little Dickey Bird, They were Always Playing Leapfrog;
  Light of Foot 
(Latann); The Guards Brigade (Darewski) ; The British
  Grenadiers, Scipio 
04. The Guards Brigade (Darewski)
05. The Stars and Stripes Forever (Sousa); Tannhauser: Hunting Fanfare
  and O, Star of Eve
(Wagner); 1686 Cavalry Review: Fanfare
06. Grand March from Tannhauser (Wagner)
07. Pilgrims' Chorus from Tannhauser (Wagner)
08. The Stars and Stripes Forever (Sousa)
09. Martial Moments (arr. Winter)
10. Rally of Empire: A Life on the Ocean Wave; The Alarm/Firing; Rule
  Britannia !
 (Arne), Last Post, Abide with Me, God Save the King,
  Three Cheers for HM The Queen

11. Blue Devils (Williams)
12. March off Medley: Pack Up Your Trobles, Mademoiselle from Arment
   -ieres, Tipperary, Soldiers of the Queen, Keep the Home Fires

13. Fanfare, King George V's Army, Old Mother Reilly, Bugle Flourish
  (Adams), First Post, Land of My Fathers, 18th Century Grenade
  Exercises, The Britsish Grenadiers

14. Here's Health unto His Majesty, King's Champion (Graham); Over
  My Shoulder, I'll String Along with You, Sing as We Go; Knights
  of the King 
(Ketelbey); God Blesss the Prince of Wales (Richards)
15. Modern Battle; Boys of the Old Brigade (Myddleton), Old Battle
  Picture, The Alarm, Soldiers of the Queen 
(Stuart), Waterloo (Eckers
  -burg); Cuidich'n Righ, Atholl Highlanders; Long Live the King
(Veterans' Song); Pomp and Crcumstance No. 4 (Elgar)
16. Finale: Prayer for King and Country, Soldiers Hymn (Davies), Abide
  with Me 
(Monk); Epilogue; The King
17. Mechanised Infantry (McBain)
18. The Lost Chord (Sullivan)
19. With Honour Crowned (Ketelbey)
                   (Duration: Approx. 72 mins)

UKALD10 Royal Cavalcade
Aldershot Searchlight Tattoo Recordings 1936
(Part 2) 1937
01. The Music of the Drums: Fanfare (Adams), Private Tommy Atkins
  (Potter), The Song of the Drum (Ellis and Finck); Firing Exercises:
  Drummer and the Cook; Belvedere 
(Bennetti); Fanfare (Adams),
  The Minstrel Boy 
(arr. C. Godfrey Jnr.), The Watch Tower (Herzer)
02. Fanfare (Adams), The Minstrel Boy (arr. C. Godfrey Jnr), The Watch
03. The Lost Chord (Sullivan); Mechanised Infantry (McBain); Fanfare
  Adams), Bells of Aldershot; All for a Schilling a Day
04. The Glendaruel Highlanders (Fettes); Darling of the Guards (Nicholls);
  The First Prince of Wales: Fanfare, With Honur Crowned 
  Fanfare, Speech, Fanfare, Loudly Proclaim 
(arr. German)
05. State Trumpeters (Robinson); Abide with Me; Epilogue/ Land of my
  Fathers; God Save the King, Exit March: On Sunday I Walked out
  with a Soldier
(I'll Make a Man of You)
06. Banners of Empire: Fanfare: Roast Beef (Adams), Roast Beef, The
  Advance, Corn Riggs, The Advance, Crown and Commonwealth
   (Adams); Fanfare (Adams); Rule Britannia (Arne); Pibroch o'
  Donald Dubh

07. Golden Spurs (Rhodes)
08. Crown and Commonwealth (Adams)
09. Massed Bands: Fanfare; Coronation March from Le Prophete 
  (Meyerbeer); March of the King's Men (Plater); Sergeant-at-Arms
  (McBain); PT: John Peel; Let's all be a Happy Family
10. Coronation March from Le Prophete (Meyerbeer/ arr.Brown)
11. March of the King's Men (Plater)
12. Hallelujah Chorus (Handel)
13. Sergeant-at-Arms (McBain)
14. PT: Pop Goes the Weasel; Deep in My Heart (Romberg); The British
  Grenadiers; Desert Song 
(Romberg); Lodging the Colour: Newcastle;
  Keepers of thre King's Peace 
(arr. Adams)
15. Royal Cavalcade (Ketelbey)
16. Coronation Tattoo (Barsotti)
17. The Challenge: Fanfare (Adams); Long Live Elizabeth (German /arr.
   Godfrey); Abide with Me (Monk /arr. Adams)
18. The Challenge: Royal Cavalcade (Ketelbey), Fanfare (Adams);
  Epilogue; Land of Hope and Glory 
(Elgar); God Save the King
                  (Duration: Approx. 69 mins)

UKALD11 Clarion Call
Aldershot Searchlight Tattoo Recordings 1938

01. The Field of the Cloth of Gold: Fanfare; The Month of Maying;
  All in a Garden Green; Fanfare 
(Adams); Military March from
  Othello Suite
(Coleridge Taylor); Homage March (Grieg)
02. Air Defence Display; Massed Pipe Bands: Highland Laddie; Lancast
(Chandler); Figaro (Mozart)
03. Slavonic Rhapsody (Friedemann)
04. The Standard of St. George (Alford)
05. Tudor Rose (Adams)
06. Fanfare (Adams); PT: Keep Young and Beautiful; Phil the Fluter's
 (French); Swing Song from Veronique; Will You Remember;
  Riding Along on the Crest of the Wave; To Your Guard 
07. Royal Review (Basset Silver)
08. Tournament (Young) also known as Royal Birthday
09. Finale: Abide with Me, Epilpogue: Dermot Morrah- spoken by Robert
  Speaight / Rose of England; God Save the King, Three Cheers

10. Arrival of General Gamelin to take the Saute: Marseillaise; Changing
  of the Guard: Fanfare, The Changing of the Guard 
(Flotsam and
  Jetsam), Captain E.B.B. Towse VC, Soldiers' Chorus from Faust
  (Gounod), Isle of Beauty (arr. Adams)
11. O God Our Help in Ages Past and Last Post (arr. Geary)
12. The Clarion Call (Hughes)
13. The Beacon (Young)
14. Serenade (Schubert); Easter Hymn from Cavalleria Rusticana
15. Britannia- A Medley of National Songs (arr. Adams)
16. Drake's Dum (Adams)
17. PT: Fall In, Lambeth Walk, Chestnut Tree, Laughing Sun; Queen
  Elizabeth's Visit to Tilbury 1588: March of the Bowmen 
  Queen Elizabeth's speech- spoken by Marda Vane, Trumpet
(Clarke); Boys of the Old Brigade (Myddleton)
18. The Deathless Army (Trotere /arr. Adams)
19. The Finale: The Death of Nelson, Eternal Father, Last Post, Abide
  with Me 
(Monk), God Save the King
                   (Duration: Approx. 69 mins)

価格:\17,000- (6 CD's)