Imperial Band Concert
19th Century Waltzes & Marches
帝政ロシアロシア帝国 19世紀 の 行進曲 & ワルツ集
ソビエト 連邦 国防省付 軍楽隊
The U.S.S.R. Defense Ministry Band
Conducted by: Major General Nikolai Nazarov
 Colonel Nikolai Sergeyev

米国 Angel LP 盤


曲 目
Side One
1. March of the Preobrajensky Regiment
2. March of the Kuban River Scouts Regiment
3. Totleben
4. Slav Woman's Farewell (Agapkin)
5. March of the Pechora Regiment
6. Battle at Liaoyang (Yefanov)
7. Triumph of the Victors
Side Two
1. On the Hills of Manchuria (Shatrov)
2. Danube Waves (Ivanovici)
3. The Birch (Dreisen)
4. Woodland Tale (Bekker)
5. Recollection (Joyce)
6. The Orchid (Andreyev)
