- Fine Art-
Japanese Artist Yoshimi

Nature is made by the beautiful earth.
How many times I have seen the changes of nature in the four seasons.
Even if I see them many times, my heart becomes enthusiastic, and I feel my body is melting.
I am called by the sea, the woods, the lake, the river, and visit somewhere on the earth.
My cells are melted by the winds, the seasons, the air, the smell of the temperature, become one,
and are mixed with the faraway memory.
I feel the same thing as my ancestors from several hundreds and thousands of years ago, and become one.
Even if the soul is different and I have a different heart, the aching memory of the primeval time within me is the same.
Where my body came from and how it came here.
Sometimes, I go to travel tracing the memory of the body in nature's breath.
I go to the place where I was called.
My ancestors were born, lived here, and were loved by someone.
They lived here watching this scene, and led useful lives.
I could feel such a life.
(Ancestor doesn't mean blood relationship. I mean the history of flowing body cells.
It's also different from the soul outside of the body.)
Have you suddenly felt the thing like the memory of the primeval time when you are completely free?
Have you remembered the scenes of the times when you didn't exist?
The human body is evolving and changing.
The impression caused by the cells of the body doesn't change the same as human feelings doesn't.
Where does the mystery come from?
I am investigating it is from the memory of the primeval time which we have unconsciously.
I express the memory presently while acting on instinct.
Unknown ancestors' cells want to express it by my body.
I follow it and live making time for paintings periodically if possible.
Today's my painting seems a summing-up of the memory of my DNA of hundreds and thousands of years ago.
If I had the talent to dance, I would dance.
If I could create music, I would.
Contemporary Japanese Artist Yoshimi(1961- )/Artist
Yoshimi Fujita.Hamamatsu,Shizuoka,Japan.
Japanese abstract expressionist painter (female). Uses materials
such as Japanese paper, canvas, acrylic paints and sand. Welcomes comments and
purchases of her paintings by individuals and galleries around the world.
Also welcomes invitations from galleries for exhibitions. Accessible by
e-mail. has held her own exhibitions annually since 1990.
Her international activities include membership in some associations.