ArmA訓練所 2007/05/22 |
Select Language : 日本語(Japanese) English(英語)
This is my Briefing Generator Program.(ver1.01)
In here, you can use a automatic "briefing.html" output program which based on CGI for ArmA.
It completely free! Feel free to use it. :-)
You can write tags directly too. Links for marker or picture displaying tags are not supported. So please write directly.
If you want to link by marker, <a href="marker:MarkerName">link word</a>
If you want to display picture, <img src="picture.jpg" width="100" height="100">.
This program support UTF-8. It means Multi-Language support.
But not tested well.
Please keep a copy what you write before you submit.
It may be to hard to write again when the process failed.