Yamaguchi (2)

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Yamaguchi City

Sessyuu Garden

This garden is said to have been designed and built by the Priest-Painter Sessyuu by the order of Masahiro Oouchi, the local Lord about 500 years ago. A green mound at the center is supposed to represent Mount Fuji (Japan), the pond beyond; the Pacific Ocean and rocks in foreground; various mountains in China. (Panoramic View)

Five-stories Pagoda, Rurikou Temple

Completed in 1442, this pagoda stood here for 560 years. Protruding wing-like roofs make the structure look extremely elegant. It is one of the three most beautiful pagodas in Japan and the best one built in the era.

Iwakuni City

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Kintai Kyou (Golden Belt Bridge)

First built in 1673, this bridge have been rebuilt three times. It consists of five spans of wooden arches. Other than iron pegs to hold down surface plates, no metal is used for the structure,

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