Scientific name : Xerocomus sp.

Japanese name :.............

Aug 19,2000. Tomata county, Okayama pref.

Pore surface


Cap: 3-5cm broad, dark brown, felt like.................................................

Tube: 2/mm, 3mm deep, depressed or gill like around the stipe making longitudinal ridges

......about 1-3mm long. Both tubes and pores are yellow. Staining brown where injured...

Stipe: Apex is yellow. Bellow the apex, background is brown covered with dark brown.....

......longitudinal lines. 3-5 cm long. 4-7mm broad. Almost equal........................

Flesh: The flesh of the cap is pale pinkish buff. The flesh of the stipe is pale olive .

......brown.Taste a little bit sour.....................................................

Habitat: Beech forest, probably mycorrhizal with beech.................................


I would appreciate if someone gives me the name or information about this bolete.


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