PS(PostScript) Bridge Hand
[1] Install this
1.1 PS bridge hand
- It is easy,only execute [double click] download program.
- default install directory is c:\psbridge.
1.2 Get GIB.exe
- get GIB.exe
- and install GIB.exe at your directory(ex c:\psbridge\gib.exe)
1.3 Ghostscript/Gsview ( if your machine not install)
[2]Set Options
- Options -> Configure -> print ==> enter auther name
- Options -> Configure -> print ==> GSview's directory.==default is c:\ghostgum\gsview\gsview32.exe
3.1 Input FiIe(FD)
- get a *dup file
- and convert from *.dup file to *.pbn file
3.2 Calculation
- calculate a hand by using the gib.exe.( 60sec/1hand CPU=450MHz)
3.3 Print
- print file by using gsview.exe
3.4 Create File
- File -> Open
- input by mouse or keyboard
- keyboard "Enter(CR)" is next suit
- keyboard "Back space" is previous suit
- keyboard "CTL+C" is Clear
- keyboard "F1-Key" is Save and next board
- mouse ===> try click blue botton
- Key-board A=A K=K Q=Q J=J T=T 9=9C 8=8H 7=7F 6=6R 5=5G 4=4Y 3=3S 2=2N
ex 6=6R means that suit rank is 6 ,type-in is 6 or R key availabe.