01. Sunday Call Chronicle March (Albertus L. Meyers) Dedicated
to the Mornng Call Newspaper, Allentown, PA
02. Columbian National Potpourri Hail Columbia-Star Spangled
Banner-Yankee Doodle (Thomas Coates)
03. Greeting to Bethlehem (George Rosenkrans) Dedicated to the
Bethlehem Steel Company Band
04. 333nd Engineer's (S.S.) March (Albert Marchetto) Dedicated
to son Creatore Marchetto)
05. Memories of Stephen Foster (Lucien Cailliet)
06. Mary Marble (George Rosenkrans) Dedicated to the Pennsylvania
Grit, Williamsport, PA)
07. 213th Coast Artillery Pennsylvania (Walter Larrimer)
08. American Red Cross March (Louis Panella)
09. Repasz Band March (Charles Sweely - Harry J. Lincoln)
10-13. Un Giorno in Venezia (A Day in Venice) (Ethelbert Nevin
/ Herman Belstedt)
10. Dawn
11. Gondoliers
12. Venetian Love Song
13. Good Night
14. Peace and Liberty (Adolph Lipsitz)
15. Lincoln Highway (Floyd J. St Clair)
16. Cupid's Bouquet Concert Waltzes (Charles Sanglear)
17. The Benefactor (Arthur D. Davenport)
18. Hotel Allen (Monroe Althouse) Named for the Hotel Allen in
Allentown and played by the Allentown Band at the dedication
concert of Allentown's West Park Band Shell in 1908.
19. University of Pennsylvania Band March (Roland Seitz)
20. Down the Line (George Rosenkrans) Dedicated to the Volunteer
Band. Du Bois, Pennsylvania
21. My Lady Lindy (George Rosenkrans)
22. Midnight Fire Alarm (Harry J. Lincoln)