War & Remembrance
アメリカ 合衆国 空軍 ゴ-ルデン ウエスト 軍楽隊

The United States Air Force Band
of the Golden West, California

Captain R. Michael Mench, Commander and Conductor
12 ペ-ジ の 英語 による 解説書付

曲 目

01. Jericho Rhapsody (Morton Gould) (12:20)
02. Overture to Light Cavalry (Franz von Suppé) (7:04)
03. Battle of Shiloh (Charles Lloyd Barnhouse) (2:40)
04. A Lincoln Portrait (Aaron Copland) Narrated by Edward J.
  Olmos) (13:56)
05. National Emblem (Edwin Eugene Bagley) (2:55)
06. Heroes, Lost and Fallen (David R. Gillingham) (11:26)
07. Each Time You Tell Their Story (Samuel R. Hazo) (4:34)
08. That Others May Live (SSgt. Jeremy Martin) (11:06)
09. The Stars and Stripes Forever (John Philip Sousa) (3:24)
