Hero for Today
アメリカ 合衆国 陸軍 軍楽隊 & 合唱隊

The United States Army Band & Chorus


曲 目
01. Heroic Fanfare
02. Hymn to the Fallen
03. A Hero for Today
04. Battle Hymn of the Republic
05. America the Beautiful
06. God Bless the U.S.A.
07. Here's to America
08. The Last Full Measure of Devotion
09. We Were There
10. Duty, Honor, Country
11. This is My Country
12. Ragged Old Flag
13. The Flag Still Flies High
14. God Bless America
15. The Armed Services Medley
  Semper Paratus - The Air Force Song - Anchors Aweigh
  - The Marines Hymn - The Army Goes Rolling Along

16. The Stars and Stripes Forever
