A Tribute to Merle Evans
アメリカ・サ-カス 音楽 名曲集
Anthology containing 43 American
Circus Music
ニュ-イングランド コンサ-ヴァトリ-サ-カス バンド
New England Conservatory Circus Band
Frank Battisti, conductor
& Merle Evans, guest conductor
 米語 による 16ペ-ジ の 解説書付)(CD 2枚組
1970年 収録 LP 復刻盤 CD


曲 目
Disc 1
01. A Tribute to Merle Evans (Fanfare by John P. Hicks)
02. The Circus King (C.E. Duble)
03. Woody Van's March (K.L. King)
04. Trombonium (Buel N. Withrow)
05. March to Mecca (Fred Jewell)
06. Neel's Fashion Plate (W.P. English)
07. Thunderbolt Galop (Fred Huffer)
08. Oleviine March (H.A. Vandercook)
09. Caravan Club (K.L. King)
10. Among The Roses (C.L. Barnhouse)
11. High and Mighty (Fred Jewell)
12. Burr's Triumphal March (Russell Alexander)
13. Transcontinental March (H.R. Hughes)
14. Smearin Trombone #2 (J..B. Farshee)
15. Sells-Floto Triumphal (K.L. King)
16. A Band Contest (Arthur Pryor)
17. Honey Boys On Parade (E.V. Cupero)
18. Fire Jump Galop (Merle Evans)
19. Forrest City Commandery (K.L. King)
20. Rival Rovers (Russell Alexander)
21. Hot Trombone (Henry Fillmore)
22. Prince Imperial (Charles Sanglear)
23. Palm Garden Rag (Fred K. Huffer)
24. Belford's Carnival March (Russell Alexander)
     (Disc 1Total Time: 55:35)
Disc 2
01. New Madison Square Garden (K.L. King)
02. Wizard of the West (C.E. Duble)
03. Espana Waltz (E. Waldteufel)
04. Huntress March (K.L. King)
05. Steeplechase Galop (Russell Alexander)
06. Idaho March (C.L. Barnhouse)
07. Ham Trombone (Henry Fillmore)
08. Battle of the Winds (C.E. Duble)
09. Daddy's Delight (F.H. Losey)
10. Baltimore's Boast March (Russell Alexander)
11. Battle of Shiloh (C.L. Barnhoue)
12. Clownette (Harry L.. Alford)
13. Radio Waves (Fred Jewell)
14. Rose Ballet Dance Galop (W. Paris Chambers)
15. Battle Royal (Fred Jewell)
16. Sliding Jim (F.H. Losey)
17. Supreme Triumph (Fred Jewell)
18. Slim Trombone (Henry Fillmore)
19. Crimson Flash (Russell Alexander)
     (Disc 2Total Time: 47:54)

価格:¥3,300- (2-CD-Set)