Britannia the Pride of the Ocean
大英 帝国 大洋 の 誇り
海 の 音楽  海軍 の 行進曲集
イギリス 王立 海兵隊 ポ-ツマス 軍楽隊
Band of H.M. Royal Marines Portsmouth
Director: Captain L.T. Lambert L.R.A.M., R.M.

見 開き ジャケット/Gatefold Sleeve

曲 目
Side One
1. A Life on the Ocean Wave (Russell/arr. Alford)
2. Anchors Aweigh (Zimmerman/arr. H.C. Newton)
3. Sea Medley (arr. Philip J. Lang)
 (a) Sailing, Sailing
 (b) Blow the Man Down
 (c) Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep
 (d) Nancy Lee
4. Royal Standard (J.M. Keith)
5. Two Movements from The Shipbuilders(P. Yorke)
 (a) Web of Steel
 (b) All Hands at Work
6. Britannia the Pride of the Ocean (E. Binding)
Side Two
1. Hearts of Oak (Boyce/arr. Binding)
2. The Nelson Touch (Philip Hood)
3. Trafalgar (Zehle)
4. Four Songs from HMS Pinafore (Sullivan/arr. Godfrey/Duthoit)
 (a) Let Us Give Three Cheers
 (b) When I was a Lad
 (c) A British Tar
 (d) Never Mind the Why and Wherefore
5. Hands Across the Sea (Sousa)
6. Eternal Father (Dykes /arr. Lambert)
  Sunset (arr. Captain A.C. Green)
7. Fantasia on British Sea Songs (Sir Henry Wood/arr. Duthoit)
