Chants des Soldats des Tsars
ロシア皇帝ツァ-リ 統治 時代 の ロシア軍 兵士達 の 歌
全曲 フランス語 & 英語 による 歌詞 入り 46 ぺ-ジ の 解説書付
全曲 歌 のみで,軍楽隊 の 演奏 & 伴奏なし


曲 目
01. God, save the Tsar !
02. The Song of Oleg the Wise
03. Dust swirls around the pass
04. The Exploit of Soldier Arkhip Osipov
05. The Affair of the village of Andreiev
06. The Invasion of Chamil or Kabarda
07. Isn't that fog rising like a cloud behind the sea ?
08. Oh how tedious it is in this foreign land
09. The Soldiers of the Emperor talk amongst themselves
10. So our columns are marching
11. In' 31, we had a disagreement with Poland
12. Hey you, impetuous Warsaw, the time for justice has come !
13. Leaving Moscow to the French
14. He wasn't returning from a parade but from campaign
  in Chechnya

15. The dragoons advance
16. Russian songs
17. The Sailor's Song
18. Here is the ship our Lord
19. The Varyag, to the memory of a heroic cruiser
20. The Varyag
21. After the Battle
22. In the distant Straits of Tsushima
           Durée totale: 60:10
