Hymns & Marches of the Russian Empire
ロシア 帝国 賛歌 & 行進歌集
Male Chorus of the
"Valaam" Institute
for Choral Art

: 全曲 男声 合唱1部 ピアノ の伴奏 付のみで 軍楽隊バンド の
演奏 & 伴奏 は なし

ロシア語 & 英語 による 16 ペ-ジ の 解説書付

曲 目

01. May You Live for Many Years, Orthodox Russian Tsar !
02. The Poltava Battle (1709) March
03. Panegyric Hymn on the Occasion of the Capture of Riga in 1710
04. Hymn of Victory on the Occasion of the Capture of Derbent in 1722
05. Thunder of Victory, Ring Out ! Polonaise on the Occasion
  of the Capture of Ismail in 1790
06. Our Lord is Glorious in Zion Hymn
07. Eternal and Essential Hymn
08. Flies Over Russian Lands Polonaise for the Coronation of Emperor
   Alexander I and Empress Elizabeth in 1807
09. Moscow, Rejoice ! Slavs are in Paris !  Ballad on the Entry
   of the United
   Forces into Paris (1814)
10. You are Coming Back, the Blessed Tsar ! On the Occasion of returning
   of Emperor Alexander I (1814)
11. God, Save the Tsar ! Russian National Anthem (1816 - 1833)
12. March of the Pavlovsk Military School
13. Aglow with Radiant Joy Assembly Song
14. Cadets, Close Ranks in Friendship ! Cadets' March
15. General March of the Russian Cavalry
16. Foam, Goblet of Health ! Song of Praise
17. Russian Hurrah ! March
18. Hey, Slavs ! Hymn
19. These Wonderful Songs ! Russian Song of Praise
20. A Threatening Password Moscow !
21. Moscow
22. Rejoice Capital City !
23. Long Live Our Russian Tsar !
