Wartime Marches
第2次 世界大戦
''戦勝'' 60周年 記念
ソビエト軍 & ロシア軍 戦時 の 行進曲集
ロシア 連邦 国防省付 モデル 軍楽隊
The Military Model Orchestra
of the Russian Defence Ministry
DirectorsColonel Valery Khalilow; Colonel Andrei Kolotushkin; Lt.-Colonel Sergei Durygin

曲 目
01. The March of the Izmailovo Life-Guards Regiment (Old Russian
/ arr. Ye. Aksenov)
02. The Lefortovo March (V. Khalilov)
03. The Hussars' March (A. Petrov
/ arr. G. Puchkov)
04. A Slav Women's Farewell (V. Agapkin
/ arr. L. Dunayev)
05. We Need Nothing Short of Victory (from the film 'Belorussky Railway
  Station') (B. Okudzhava
/ arr. S. Raikhshtein)
06. The Artillerymen's March (T. Khrennikov
/ arr. A. Serebrennikov)
07. We are from the Town of Yelets (V.Fomichev
/ arr. A. Pestov)
08. The March of 9 May (V. Volkov)
09. The Tank Crew's March (S. Chernetsky)
10. The Motar Guardsmen's March (S. Chernetsky)
11. Nostalgia for the Motherland (Old Russian March) (S.Trofimov
/ arr.
  L. Dunayev)
         Total Time: 32:08
