God Save the Tsar
Military Band Music of Imperial Russia
帝政 ロシアロシア 帝国 の 軍楽
Archival Recordings 1900~1912
ミハイル ロマノフ・ロシア皇帝ツァ-リ
1613年400 周年 記念
近衛 騎兵連隊 軍楽隊サンクトぺテルブルク 近衛 第1砲兵 旅団
近衛 ボリンスク 連隊 軍楽隊ワルシャワ
第108 サラトフ 歩兵連隊 軍楽隊
英語 による 36 ペ-ジ の 解説書付


曲 目
01. March of the Life-Guard Preobrazhenskii Regiment (trad.)
02. God Save the Tsar - Imperial Russian Anthem (Lvov)
03. March from the Opera A Life for the Tsar (Glinka)
04. March of the Life-Guard Horse Regiment (Dörfeldt)
05. March of the Life-Guard Izmailovskii Regiment (trad.)
06. March of the Life-Guard Atamanskii Regiment (GD Olga Nikolaevna)
07. March of the Guard Équipage (Donizetti)
08. Grenaderskii March (unknown

09. Reminiscences Kushka - March of the Soldiers' Song (Ruzhek)
10. On Campaign - March with Singing and Whistling (Borozdiuk)
11. Little Russian March (Volshevskii)
12. The Action at Poltava - Soldier's Song (1903, G. Friderikhs)
13. Napoleon in Moscow - Jubilee March (Shmelev) 
14. March of the Yegerskii Regiments (trad.)
15. On the March (Chermak)
16. March of 17th Chernigovskii Hussar Regiment (Shorf)
17. Waves of the Amur - Waltz (Kyuss)
18. The Varyag and the Koreëts - March (Trauüt)

19. On the Hills of Manchuria - Waltz (Shatrov)
20. Infantry Attack - Sound Picture (Rossini-Widder-Borozdiuk, arr.)
21. Longing for the Motherland - March (Kroup)
22. March of the Russian Volunteers (Hermann)
23. Mazurk from the Opera A Life for the Hussar” (Glinka)
24. Tsesarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich of March of May 6, 1892 (Varlikh)
25. God Save the Tsar - Imperial Russian Anthem (Lvov-Zhukovskii)
