Russian Marches
ロシア 連邦軍 の 選抜 軍楽隊員 演奏 による
ロシア 名行進曲集
Military Musicians of Russia
Conducted by Lieutenant-General
Victor Afanasiev
ヴィクトル・アファナシィエフ 陸軍 中将 指揮


曲 目
01. Celebrating March (L.. Lijadova) Rec. Live (実況 録音)
02. Glory of Motherland (S. Tchernetsky /Chernetsky)
03. March of the Youth (B. Schepelev)
04. Russian March (G. Putchkov)
05. Old Russian March Grenadier (unknown)
06. March of the Tank Soldiers (S. Tchernetsky)
07. March of the Guards Motar-Soldiers (S. Tchernetsky)
08. March after Themes by V. Muradeli (A. Turpizin)
09. A Slavonic Woman's Farewell (V. Agapkin)
                    Total Time: 27:14
