England Made Me
近衛 騎兵 軍楽隊
と イギリス巡り
イギリス 近衛 騎兵 軍楽隊
The Band of the Life Guards
Director of Music: Captain Anthony J. Richards


曲 目
Side One
1. England Made Me
2. London Selection
 a) Let's all go down the Strand
 b) Knocked them in the Old Kent Road
 c) London Pride
 d) Changing Guard at Buckingham Palace
 e) London by Night
 f) Maybe it's because I'm a Londoner
3. Soldier Soldier
4. Strawberry Fair
5. Fishermen of England
Side Two
1. Jerusalem
2. Floral Dance
3. Old Father Thames
4. Eton Boating Song
5. Colonel Bogey
6. There'll always be an England
