Regimental Marches of the British Army
イギリス 陸軍 の 連隊 行進曲集

イギリス 王立 陸軍 音楽学校 軍楽隊
The Band of the Royal Military School
of Music, Kneller Hall

Director of Music: Lieut. Col. D. McBain
英語 による 12 ペ-ジ の 解説書付

(BLKNEL-609/米国 Angel LP盤)

曲 目
Side 1
01. The Queen's Bays (2nd Dragoon Guards) - Rusty Buckles
02. 5th Royal Inniskilling Dragoon Guards - Fare Ye Well, Inniskilling
03. 7th Queen's Own Hussars - The Bannocks of Barley Meal
04. 10th Royal Hussars (Prince of Wales' Own) - The Merry Month
   of May

05. 15th/19th The King's Royal Hussars - The Bold King's Hussar;
   Haste to the Wedding
06. Royal Tank Regiment - My Boy Willie
07. Royal Regiment of Artillery - The Duchess of Kent
08. Corps of Royal Engineers - Wings
09. The Royal Scots
(The Royal Regiment) - Dumbarton's Drums
10. The Queen's Royal Regiment
(West Surrey) - Braganza
11. The Royal Warwickshire Regiment - The Warwickshire Lads
12. The King's Regiment- Here's to the Maiden of Bashful Fifteen
13. The Royal Lincolnshire Regiment - The Lincolnshire Poacher
Side 2
14. The Devonshire Regiment - We've Lived and We've Loved Together
15. The West Yorkshire Regiment
(Prince of Wales' Own) - Ça Ira
16. The Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Regiment - La Mandolinata
17. The Green Howards
(Princess of Wales' Own Yorkshire Regiment)
- Bonnie English Rose

18. The South Wales Borderers - March of the Men of Harlech
19. The King's Own Scottish Borderers - Blue Bonnets over the Border
20. The Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry - One and All
21. The Border Regiment - John Peel, etc.
22. The Welch Regiment - Ap Siencyn (Ap Shenkin)
23. The King's Royal Rifle Corps - Lutzow's Wild Hunt
24. The Durham Light Infantry - The Light Barque
25. The Gordon Highlanders - Cock o'the North
26. The Parachute Regiment - Ride of the Valkyries
27. Royal Army Service Corps - Wait for the Wagon
