Music from Beating Retreat
イギリス 近衛兵 帰営 の 音楽
On Horse Guards Parade London 1978
by the Massed Bands of the Guards Division

イギリス 近衛 師団 合同 軍楽隊
スタジオ 録音

曲 目
Side 1
St. James (Richards)
Sounds Ceremonial (Sharpe)
Der Hohenfriedberger March (anon)
Peace to the Nations (L voff / Richards)
Rule Britannia (Arne / Keeling)
The Great Escape (Bernstein)
Drum Flourish (Ridings)
The Jigs (trad.)
There's Something About a Soldier (Gay)
Quo Vadis (Rossa)
The Longest Day (Anka / Bashford)
Side 2
Highland Harry (trad.)
Dovecote Park (Braidwood)
Liberton Polka (arr. Ridings)
To Your Guard (Hughes)
Retreat (trad.)
Cornet Carillon (Binge)
Don Quixote (Minkus / Ridings)
Vivat Regina (Johnson)
Close of Day (Torch / arr. Sharpe)
Light of Foot (Lattan)
