Regimental Marches of the British Army
イギリス 陸軍 の 連隊 行進曲集 Vol. 2
近衛 コ-ルドストリ-ム ガ-ズ 軍楽隊
The Regimental Band of the Coldstream Guards
Director of Music: Major Trevor L. Sharpe


曲 目

Side One
01. Fare ye well Inniskilling (5th Royal Inniskilling Dragoon Guards)
02. Light of Foot (The Royal Hussars)
03. The Bold King's Hussars - Haste to the Wedding (15th/19th King's
  Royal Hussars)
04. Scarlet and Green (16th/5th Lancers)
05. Scotland for Ever - Cameron Men (The Queen's Own Highlanders)
06. New Fusilier (The Royal Regiment of Fusiliers)
07. The Attack- The Rose (The Queen's Lancashire Regiment)
08. The Wellesley (The Duke of Wellington's Regiment)
09. The Hampshire (The Royal Hampshire Regiment)
10. Come Lasses and Lads - The days we went a gipsying (The Staff
  -ordshire Regiment)
11. Men of Harlech (The Royal Regiment of Wales)
12. Lutzow's Wild Hunt (The Gurkha Regiment)
13. Marche des Parachutistes Belges (Special Air Service Regiment)
14. Trumpet Voluntary (The Royal Army Chaplains' Department)
Side Two
01. Wings (Corps of Royal Engineers)
02. Wait for the Wagon (The Royal Corps of Transport)
03. Here's a health unto His Majesty (Royal Army Medical Corps)
04. The Village Blacksmith (Royal Army Ordnance Corps)
05. The Watch Tower (Corps of Royal Military Police)
06. Imperial Echoes (Royal Army Pay Corps)
07. Gaudeamus Igitur - The Good Comrade (Royal Army Educational
08. Pioneer Corps (Royal Pioneer Corps)
09. Be Fit (Army Physical Training Corps)
10. Sugar and Spice - The Roast Beef of Old England (Army Catering
11. Grey and Scarlet (Queen Alexandra's Royal Army Nursing Corps)
12. The Lass of Richmond Hill - Early One Morning (Woman's Royal
  Army Corps)
13. Balaclava March (13/18th Hussars)
14. The Kingsman (The King's Regiment)
15. Wha wadna fecht for Charlie (The Cheshire Regiment)
16. Lilliburlero (Corps of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers)
