James Last in Scotland
James Last and his Orchestra

美しい スコットランド 民謡集

英国 ポリド-ル オリジナル LP 盤

曲 目
Side 1
Skye Boat Song (trad. / Last)
My Love is Like a Red, Red (trad.
/ Last) I Love a Lassie (H. Lauder
 / G. Grafton) - Roamin' in the Gloamin' (H. Lauder)
A Scottish Soldier (trad./ arr. Last)
Will Ye No Come Back Again (trad. / arr. Last) 
I Belong to Glasgow (W. Fyffe)
Flower of Scotland (R. Williamson)
Side 2
Scotland the Brave 
(trad. / Last)
The Blue Bells of Scotland (trad./ Last)
Auld Lang Syne (trad. / Last)
Ye Banks and Braes O Bonnie Doon
Days of Lang Syne (trad./ arr. Last) The Keel Row (trad./ arr. Last)
  The Barren Rocks of Aden (trad. / arr. Last)
Loch Lomond (trad./ arr. Last)
My Bonnie Mary of Argyle
 (trad./ arr. Last)
Annie Laurie (trad./ arr. Last)
