Assassin (アサシン) 鹿毛 sire line family
Sweetbriar Syphon Squirt Bartlet's Childers Darley Arabian
Betty Leedes
Sister To
Old Country Wench
Grey Wilkes
Patriot Mare Bolton Patriot Bay Bolton
Jigg Mare
Crab Mare Crab
Sister To Sloven
Shakespeare Mare Shakespeare Hobgoblin Aleppo
Wharton's Careless Mare
Amorett Bartlet's Childers
Flying Whigg
Miss Meredith Cade Godolphin Arabian
Amorett Bartlet's Childers
Flying Whigg
Angelica Snap Snip Flying Childers Darley Arabian
Betty Leedes
Sister To Soreheels Basto
Sister One To Mixbury
Sister To Slipby Fox Clumsey
Bay Peg
Gipsey Bay Bolton
Newcastle Turk Mare
Regulus Mare Regulus Godolphin Arabian  
Grey Robinson Bald Galloway
Sister To
Old Country Wench
Childers Mare Bartlet's Childers Darley Arabian
Betty Leedes
Sister One To True Blue Honeywood's Arabian
Bowe's Byerley Turk Mare
 Born 1779
 Breeder 3rd Earl Of Egremont GB
 Trainer Francis Neale GB
 Owner 3rd Earl Of Egremont


  Derby Stakes    (GB-T8F)


 主な兄弟姉妹 性別 生年 主な勝ち鞍
 Flora 1768 Squirrel Broodmare
 Evergreen 1769 Herod Stallion
 Hyde's Highflyer 1782 Highflyer Stallion


