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No.1622 の関連記事表示

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No.1622/My new Subaru and o
■投稿者/ tathenepise -(2009/02/19(Thu) 15:25:02)
□ U R L/ http://mcglassonaspeno.freehost10.com

    My new Subaru and an old one photos -

    In Washington, D.C., the Smithsonian Institution will soon welcome an addition to its family of museums that house priceless works of art and other relics.

    To celebrate the legacy and contributions of black people in the U.S., the Smithsonian is developing the National Museum of African-American History and Culture. The museum will be the only institution devoted exclusively to the documentation of African-American life, art, history and culture. Its exhibits will cover topics as varied as slavery, post-Civil War reconstruction, the Harlem Renaissance and the civil rights movement.

    Aflac, an insurance company based in Columbus, Ga., donated $1 million to the Smithsonian for the museum, making it the first Fortune 500 company to donate funds toward the landmark's construction. Corporate donations like these are vital to the museum's future success and timely presentation of the facility to the public.

    "Aflac is proud to lead the way in contributing to this most worthy cause," said Dan Amos, chairman and CE
    O of Aflac. "Tnter.
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