Welcome to my personal web site "Dokuroya"!

To use my graphics for free, you must follow the following terms.
Please take some time and read them carefully.
Thank you for your attention.

œPlease download and save the graphics to your hard drive to use.
You may not direct-link any graphic datas in this site.
"Direct-linking" is writing a image file's URL (or HTML code)
that makes the graphics show up on the bulletin boards, on your homepage,
in your email or chat, while leaving the image files on the original web site.

œAll rights reserved by HISAYU.
œDo not ever redistribute my free graphics.
œYou can edit my free graphics for modifying sizes and changing brightness.

œYou don't have to link to this site when you use my free graphics,
but I will be glad if you do that anyway.

œAll images and HTML sources on the web sites (including personal web sites)
are automatically copyrighted by Berne Convention (effective in world wide).

œIf you agree with the all terms, click here to show menuœ

Thanks, No More Illegal Uses!